
Friday, February 11, 2005

The weekend of "hearts" is upon us.......

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. The whole neighborhood is awash in red- red hearts....red roses....cupid's red cheeks...red, red, red...ugh! So while the actual holiday falls on a Monday, i'm sure many of you hopeless romantics will take advantage of the whole weekend and do it up right.

So while the couples will no doubt be frolicking about doing the "love thang", I can't help but to wonder what will happen to those singles who are left out in the cold (excuse the pun)? I'm sure many of you can relate to the empty feelings that comes along w/Valentine's Day when one finds themselves unattached. The overkill of Valentine-themed products and events are enough to make you scream ENOUGH!!! So what do you do about it? Do you crawl under a rock? Hibernate for the whole weekend and drown yourselves in a pity party of Ben and Jerry's and Imperial Pizza? (Wonder what "Madame X" is doing this weekend...) I'd like to get a little feedback on this; especially since Murray Hill has quite a few single folk in its midst. Submit your feedback on how you deal w/the stress or angst of handling Valentine's Day as a single person- all submissions are greatly appreciated.

As for us-we are planning on doing our part to look out for the single people of Murray Hill by having an "ANTI-VALENTINE'S DAY CELEBRATION"to celebrate being single! Monday, February 14, 2005 (yes, on Valentine's Day), we will offer dollar DOMESTIC drafts all night long (Bud, Bud Light, Yuengling Lager, Sam Adams, Sam Adams Winter, Killian's Red)! The way we see it, we might as well suffer together, right? And who knows? You may even meet your own valentine that night! So all single people unite and meet on Monday night, February 14!

CELEB SIGHTINGS: Yes, that was R&B singer Ashanti enjoying burgers at Jackson Hole last night w/her mother and a rather large "escort". She graciously signed autographs outside of the restaurant, despite the bully tactics that her "escort" tried to pull....

That's it for today. Don't forget your submissions and thanks to those who submitted captions for the Super Bowl photo~you'll be receiving a gmail invite shortly! *And don't forget to check out our weekly drink specials at www.drinkdeal.com!


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