Word of the Day:
o·ver·hype- (tr.v. Slang o·ver·hyped, o·ver·hyp·ing, o·ver·hypes) To promote or publicize to excess: Sam Champion grossly overhyped the severity of the blizzard.
That word pretty much sums up last night's "snowstorm". I pretty much slept through the whole thing, but when I woke up this morning, instead of walking outside to waist-high drifts of snow, there was nothing but a dusting of snow on the ground. What's up with that? I haven't seen the receipts from last night yet, but I can guess that the hyping up of the "blizzard" didn't help business, that's for sure. While getting coffee at Manhattan Center Market, my friend Nayeff (the owner) said that 3rd Avenue was pretty barren last night and he blames it on the weather reports. New Yorkers as a whole tend to get scared off pretty easily when it comes to the weather. As a transplanted Midwesterner, I'm used to "blizzards" in the real sense of the word (blizzards meaning anything over a foot of snow). However, whenever the forcast calls for anything over two inches here, you may as well call out the National Guard. Everything comes to a standstill and everyone hunkers down for what you would think was Armegeddon. Jeez.
Today I decided to go into the "mailbag" and comment on some of the feedback I've received over the last couple of days. First of all, I really appreciate the feedback. It keeps me energized to continue with this project (and some days it really feels like a project). So the very least I can do is address some of your thoughts.
Anonymous said...
"We have to get some new blood into this diary. Can we hear about the death pool, or the daytime crew? Can we hear about the ditzy female employees and their dependence upon their relationships with their current boytoys? Can we hear about the crazy crew that come in every night and pound Jack and Cokes (with a little coke on the side if you know what I mean)? How about our other regular customers and their daily over-the bar-confessions? Lets get this blog spiced up a bit! The place is starting to sound boring and like a place where freeks go to hook up and dreams go to die! Come on SwanFather, I know you have better stuff than this!"
First of all, love the SwanFather reference. You bring up a good point my Swanderling. There is a lot more to Third and Long than simply the daily antics of Madame X. I can assure you that those other aspects that you mentioned will be introduced in due time. You see my friend, Third and Long is a lot like that fruit with the many layers (the name escapes me-help me out here); there's a different story with each layer and at the present time, Madame X happens to be at the surface.
I promise, in the forthcoming days I will peel off those layers and expose other characters that makes 3 & L so unique. ;)
Le Synge Bleu said...
"okay swandad, i have to say what the fuck? goodie bag? that's not diminutive at all...nooo...
secondly, in that situation its best to inform the woman of her current level of exposure. if its intended, she'll pretend to acknowledge and then slip back into the pose. if not, she'll be quite grateful. its the nice guy thing to do.
i'm not so sure madame x would have really minded though. it sounds like she's taken up residence there.
thirdly, i just have to return to the whole goodie bag terminology phenomenon. while it sometimes can be a prize you get to leave a party with, womyn's genitalia really isn't some sort of cheap plastic bag stuffed with candy and little plastic toys you lose immediately. not unless she's a little freaky, and well, that's a whole other topic. nor is it a sugar bowl, a cootchie, or a very young kitten."
Synge- (love the name by the way; something mysterious and seductive about it...) In theory, you are probably right about informing the woman about her exposed situation. However, as we all know, what is perceived to be theory and what is fact can often times differ. Let's just say for arguement sake that I did go to said woman and inform her (discreetly) that she's "exposed"? How do I know that she won't take it the wrong way and call me a perv for looking up there in the first place at which point she makes a scene and launches a drink at me full tilt??? And with my luck, every other woman in the bar would hear this and thus I am branded as the perverted bouncer for the rest of the night...that itself would cause me to be traumatized and the therapy costs associated with that...let me tell you! While that probably wouldn't happen, just the thought of such possibilities would probably cause me (or most other males for that matter) to think twice before acting. (sad but true).
As for the goodie bag reference-Touche. You got me there. Since we're on the topic of women's genitalia....oh never mind....
Don't forget, this is the big weekend for all of you movie buffs: OSCAR TIME! We will be airing the Oscars on Sunday, complete w/drink specials and an Oscar Pool. Should be a good time. I have to disclose up front that I am the king when it comes to predicting the Oscars, so if you have the cojones to go up against moi, step up to the plate! You have to be in it to win it!
onions have layers, dear SwanFather. You missed out on a good reunion last night. It is amazing that after all of the time that has gone by, people essentially do not change, especially when placed in their former environment with familiar people. Hope you are feeling better!
Where the ^$)@^&$) were you last night, Jill and I stopped by and you were no where to be found and the place was dead at 10:30....I almost had to flash..hahahaha
Hashbrownie- I of course, thank you for posting your comments/concerns; however, you are breaking a cardinal rule of the blog: no real names please. What's the point of having a name like HashBrownie when you "out" your partner in crime whom we all know? D'uh!
if you think the snow hype/shutdown is bad hear, you should try living down south- whenever the word snow was even mentioned in casual conversation, the grocery stores would immediately become overcrowded and completely devoid of any milk or bread.
as for the fear of mentioning exposure, as a woman i would want desperately for someone to inform me and would never be offended by any such endeavor. plus, do you really want to base your decisions on fear alone?
i want to know what the "nevermind" on the topic of women's genetalia is...
"nevermind" is basically saying swandad, quit while you're behind.... ;)
You mention the South a few times; where are you from originally?
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