
Thursday, February 17, 2005 (pt.2)

Random thoughts......

Just took care of some errands for the bar; we have a party coming in tonite; While taking care of things for the party I noticed my favorite customer has made her daily appearance ("Madame X"). There are a few guys hanging out, watching NASCAR (the Daytona 500 is this weekend) and then there's "X".... She's watching the race in amusement, doing her usual routine, smiling and laughing to herself (no crying this time). The thought then occurs to me: all this time we're getting amusement from her antics, what if all this time she's really laughing at us? She's not from the States, that much I figured out. Perhaps she's entertained by our primative cultural antics? Hmmmmm.... I better watch myself...

In the meantime, I am going to start interviewing customers and people on the street. I want to get some feedback about Murray Hill and the bar itself. What does the average Joe/Jane really think about Murray Hill and Third and Long? I bring this up because in the current issue of Time Out New York, there's a featured article about "hot spots in not-so-hot neighborhoods" and of course, they have Murray Hill at the top of the list. What's up with that? I've noticed over the years that that particular magazine shows no love for the 'hood at all, and this article proves that point. So don't be surprised if I come up to you and ask for your feedback! I just ask that you be honest w/your opinions.... As true New Yorkers, I don't really have to worry about that!


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