
Thursday, February 24, 2005

So it's Thursday morning and I feel like utter shite.

I'd planned on taking it easy last night because I felt the early early stages of a flu bug coming on. Instead I found myself getting pressed into duty (I like to call it "taking one for the team") and now I think I am going to pay for it today. And on top of it, the news reports keep blaring stuff about a major snowstorm coming our way-(they may as well call out the National Guard they way they hype these things up).....ugh. That's all I need.

Last night was our Pabst Blue Ribbon promo. We had a band scheduled to play (Donovan & Carrion), however, they had to cancel due to an unfortunate car accident (nobody got hurt). So that took the wind out of the sails a bit. We had a new bartender "auditioning" last night and it would have been a good litmus test to see what kind of skills he had w/a busy crowd. But with the band cancellation, it didn't get as busy as I would have liked to really measure his skills; He definately knew how to bartend, and he didn't screw up the register (which is a huge plus). Nice guy. We'll see what happens after I speak with the powers that be.

Madame X was there again, front and center. She didn't seem to mind that there wasn't a band playing. She's pretty adapt at keeping herself busy. She was sporting the new black ski sweater with a red piping trim; and she had on a khaki-like skirt with one of those splits up the middle that you women tend to fancy. However, I don't think she's really used to wearing a skirt-she kept sitting with her legs open (sort of like a guy) and her goodie bag was exposed for all to see (or dare to anyway). In a situation like that, what do you do? Do you casually go up to her and tell her that she's exposed? Or do you simply ignore it? I wasn't sure if she knew what she was doing of simply pre-occupied with other things to notice (which in this case is quite the possibility)....

QUICK OBSERVATION: What's up with joggers who smoke a cigarette after a run? WTF....

Tonite is "Alumni Night" at Third & Long: In keeping with the theme of our 14th anniversary, we have invited many of the old bartenders from years past to join us behind the bar for old time's sake. This will indeed be a lively evening as they are a lively bunch! There will be drink specials o'plenty and you are definately invited to join us! Don't let the snow scare you off. Nothing more fun than being snowed in at the bar.

Before I sign off for the day, I just want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read the blog! And thanks for the feedback; a lot of good stuff....I'm going back to bed.



Anonymous said...

Madame X must be rich because she's ALWAYS there now. She was pounding beers and airing out her nannynanny right next to me at lunch on Wednesday, and now The Swanfather says she was doing the same thing at night too. Wow.

Anonymous said...

We have to get some new blood into this diary. Can we hear about the death pool, or the daytime crew? Can we hear about the ditzt female employees and their dependence upon their relationships with their current boytoys? Can we hear about the crazy crew that come in every night and pound Jack and Cokes (with a little coke on the side if you know what I mean)? How about our other regular customers and their daily over-the bar-confessions? Lets get this blog spiced up a bit! The place is starting to sound boring and like a place where freeks go to hook up and dreams go to die! Come on SwanFather, I know you have better stuff than this!

Swa said...

LOL....so duly noted.

Le Synge Bleu said...

okay swandad, i have to say what the fuck? goodie bag? that's not diminutive at all...nooo...

secondly, in that situation its best to inform the woman of her current level of exposure. if its intended, she'll pretend to acknowledge and then slip back into the pose. if not, she'll be quite grateful. its the nice guy thing to do.

i'm not so sure madame x would have really minded though. it sounds like she's taken up residence there.

thirdly, i just have to return to the whole goodie bag terminology phenomenon. while it sometimes can be a prize you get to leave a party with, womyn's genitalia really isn't some sort of cheap plastic bag stuffed with candy and little plastic toys you lose immediately. not unless she's a little freaky, and well, that's a whole other topic. nor is it a sugar bowl, a cootchie, or a very young kitten.

drink lots of water and rest..this city seems to be passing around one gigantic neverending cold.