
Thursday, March 17, 2005


It's the Super Bowl of drinking, St. Patrick's Day. A day where everyone finds the "irish" in them somewhere. Days of preparation goes into St. Patrick's Day and it's worth the effort. You get a lot of tourists from all over the world that travel to NYC just for the parade. Last night alone, I met tourists from Scotland, Wales, Spain and tons of firemen from places ranging from Syracuse, NY to San Diego, CA, to Dallas, TX. I also got to witness a celebration of a couple who just gotten engaged. Good stuff.

Also got to spend some quality time with some of my favorite blog fans, "Angel", "SexyTreat" and H.B.E. (who incidently, celebrated his 32nd birthday with his beautiful fiance, "Blondie").

For St. Paddy's Day we will have $3.00 Killian's Red from 11am-5pm as well as all of the MADNESS of the NCAA TOURNAMENT!

I have to cut it short today; last minute preparations are in order for what will be a LONG day (excuse the pun). Have a good craic and remember, keep your "irish" up!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Request - Would anyone happen to have a spare liver? Mine ran away last night.