
April 2, 2005

POPE John Paul II (1920-2005) (R.I.P.)
(I know we joked about him in our death pool and all, but in all seriousness, it's sad to see him go. He was a great man who did great things during his lifetime and he will be remembered for that. May he rest in peace.)

The Morning After....

What's up folks? I am currently watching The Office marathon on BBC America (the original, not the crap they re-did on NBC)and I decided to catch up on things w/the blog. Today is Saturday, APRIL 2. I mention this because yesterday was Friday, APRIL 1. I mention that because I received many emails from concerned friends wondering about the status of the "threats" I received due to blog writing. While I was genuinely flattered at the concerns expressed, I couldn't help but to chuckle when I had to explain that it was an April Fool's Day joke..... C'mon folks, get with the program.

Last night was actually a good night, for the most part. It started out really well, with a going away party for one of our Tuesday night regulars, M.G.; she just got a job that relocates her to San Francisco, so we thought it would be a good idea to have a "Tuesday Night Dollar Draft" party for old times sake. It went from 6pm-8pm and it was a really good turnout! A lot of her friends from work, school, and the bar stopped by to say goodbye and to relive old times. A good time was had by all.

Happy Hour and the going-away party generated some good momentum because the night stayed pretty busy....up until about 2am...when a group of "striped shirt" boys got out of line and caused a near riot. They were pretty buzzed and kept bumping into people, and started picking on a group of older men from India. Words were exchanged and a few of them got thrown out, but for a moment, things got a bit heated. Fortunately, cooler heads eventually prevailed, but at the same time, caused a bit of a buzz-kill and cleared out much of the bar. No punches were thrown, no one got hurt, which is always a good thing. That kind of thing happens from time to time, it's the nature of the business. But it sucks when it does. Overall, it was a good night.

Today we have the NCAA FINAL FOUR PARTY. Louisville plays Illinois at 6pm, followed up by North Carolina vs Michigan State. We will have $3.00 Jagermeister shots, Sam Adams Products and Pabst Blue Ribbon bottles throughout the course of the game. So don't let the rain scare you off and come on down!

That's it for now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a terrible joke to play on yur loyal Bloggers! You are mean person....Who do you think you are playing with peoples feelings like that...Your a bad man, very bad man, very very bad man! when I see you I'm going to ah..ah..pinch you...yeah thats what I'll do, pinch you!!