
Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Sitting through an unusually slow Tuesday night, I came across a young lady who happened to be sitting at the end of the bar, alone. She had a sourpuss of a face and looked as if she wanted no part of anyone. People like that I tend to stay away from; If you don't want to be bothered, then why piss them off by bothering them?

Later in the evening I looked towards the end of the bar and there's the same young lady, sitting at the bar with the same sourpuss face; this time she's being bothered by one of the old school Tuesday Night regulars, CHEAP MR. P.. Now this guy is pretty annoying and as his name says, rather cheap. Always showing up for Dollar Drafts, tips in coin, leeches off other people's dime. That type. Now I'm not sure if he's hitting on her or what, but he's definitely bending her ear, big time. At one point she motions to me to come over, so I walk over there and she's giving me that *rolling eyes* look towards CHEAP MR. P. and I immediately knew what was up. She wanted no part of him, so she begins a conversation with me. No big deal. She began to talk about her job and how she hated it, her apartment and how she hated that; Guys and how she hated how they were. . . Pretty soon I began to realize that she was just a miserable person. Within minutes I wanted to kill myself. If I heard the word "hate" one more time, I was going to snatch her drink from her and drink it before killing myself. It was that bad. How can anyone be so miserable about life? Well let me tell you, she sure found the way.

After about 10 minutes of listening to the two of them, I finally excused myself and got the hell out of there. As soon as I walked outside, I felt a burden lifted off my shoulders. The heavy black cloud that existed over that woman's head stayed behind in the bar. Ugh! I know that people go through shit from time to time, but to wallow in it and use it as an excuse not to live life... I just don't get it. I really don't.

*On a lighter note, AMERICAN PSYCHO stopped by with his roommate's brother for a couple of quick mugs of beer. A few minutes later, they were joined by STIFFLER and the three of them proceeded to hang out at the front corner of the bar and catch up on things. A few minutes later, an Amazon of a woman came over to them and basically joined them, uninvited. Now this woman was a strapping specimen of a human being, with broad shoulders like a swimmer, toned arms and legs and a rack to die for. However, she also had a face like a Russian weightlifter, but whatever.

At one point, AMERICAN PSYCHO and STIFFLER come over to me and began chatting, while his roommate's brother continued with the Amazon. Next thing you know, she waltzed over to us and gave AMERICAN PSYCHO a violent, manly shove to the back and asked in a somewhat deep voice " Would you like another one?" I wasn't sure what startled me more: the violent shove or the deep, deep voice that came after the shove. As soon as she walked away, we looked at each other and immediately fell out laughing. (I guess you had to be there to appreciate it).

Wednesday finds me running around town to handle some errands and also take care of some bar-related stuff. Wednesday is also LADIES NIGHT, with great drink specials for the female patrons of THIRD and LONG. Stop by after work!

More updates to come!



Anonymous said...

You didn't explain why she pushed STRIKEOUT in the first place?

Swa said...

STRIKEOUT.... Do you mean American Psycho?

Anonymous said...


did u say hi to stiffler for me? lol

ladies night huh? might have to stop in if i ever get my butt to nyc.
