Just read an article in today's NEW YORK DAILY NEWS asking that very same question. Apparently there's a new TV show on Lifetime Television with the same name, featuring one woman and three guys and she has to figure out the one straight single guy out of the three. So the paper did their own version of the show, asking local women to try and figure out the same thing with three guys they provided.
After reading the article, I couldn't help but to wonder if women actually asked such a question when entering a bar or club. When you are sitting there in your little groups, are you asking that very question for each guy that walks by? And what happens if you guess incorrectly? What do you do if you, for example, come across one of those "metrosexuals" and you assume he's gay? I guess for the guys, it's much simpler; You first look for a ring on the finger- then if you don't see one, take your best shot. Check out the full article below and tell me what you think.
Gay, straight or taken?
New York women know it can be hard to tell
Bar customers Tre Borden (l.), Julie Finkler, Ivan Gabel (2nd r.) and Brian Boschetti volunteered to play a Daily News version of Lifetime's new series.
It's the one question every woman asks herself when she spots a cute guy. Is he gay, straight or taken?
In this city, the answers are anything but clear. "Because New York is the fashion capital of the world it is confusing, especially when you have metrosexuals thrown into the mix," says Josey Miller, love and sex editor at ivillage.com.
Lifetime Television is capitalizing on the dilemma with a dating show featuring one woman, three guys and the age-old question. She has to select the one straight, single man in the trio in order to win a luxurious dream getaway for her and this available bachelor.
When three guys - Brian Boschetti, 26, who's straight, Tre Borden, 22, who's gay, and Ivan Gabel, 29, who's quite taken - hit a NYC bar in our take on the show, they learned that New York women have well-honed singling-out skills.
Ladies at Murray Hill hot spot 515 were allowed one question, then a guess.
Questions - which could not touch on the boys' relationships - ranged from, "Who do you think will win the BCS championship?" to "Who is your favorite designer?"
More than 90% of our New York ladies guessed all three correctly.
Some had more trouble.
"It is hard to tell in New York. There is this New York effect that makes it hard to figure it out," says 30-year-old nutritionist Kristin Finn, one of the few who guessed that Borden was available.
"I did dress kind of butch tonight," Borden laughed.
In the field, this kind of detective work could easily offend. So what's an inoffensive way of finding out?
"Make eye contact," says Miller. "If a guy is taken he'll look away arbitrarily just to make a point that he isn't interested in you.
"If a guy is gay then he'll look away to scan the room for guys who are attractive. But if he's straight and single, he looks you right in the eye."
I was wrong!
There's nothing worse than making the wrong guess. Just ask these women.
"When I think a guy has a girlfriend I feel a lot more comfortable around him. So I'll tell funny stories or make a fool out of myself because I really don't care about how things end. But once that plan backfired when the guy ended up being single and started liking me. He wasn't attractive at all, but because I thought he was taken I didn't mind talking to him. I felt so badly when he started calling."
Jaclyn Letschert, 22, Manhattan
"I was in the Hamptons a few summers ago at a cheesy bar (surfboards on the walls, etc.) with the girls. We were all scoping the meat at the bar and I saw this really cute, really tall guy. However, he was wearing a mesh button-down shirt. Eww. And he and his buddies kept smacking each other on the butt. We all thought they were European and gay and just in the wrong bar. Well, six tequila shots later, I found out mesh-shirt guy was American, but he played basketball in Spain (which explained the horrible shirt), was here touring with his teammates (which kind of explained the butt-smackage) and was completely straight. I ended up kicking him out of my bed at 4 a.m. because he snored too loudly."
Sara Chadwick, 26, Manhattan
I'd like to hear your take on this subject. Leave your thoughts/comments in the comment section and enlighten us!
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My gayrador doesn't work so well. But then again I have never hit on a gay man. I normally end up being friends with most men if they aren't scared of me. I don't really hit on men, I normally wait until they made their move and that way you don't have to guess. this might explain why I never go on dates. I seems to hit more on women then men. And no I'm not gay, bi or even really all that curious.
Men who are taken, the good one are so I don't bother with those. I figure if they are willing to cheat on who ever they are with with you then if you ever do get him to leave the current love then he will cheat on you when something younger, prettier and thinner comes along. And since I'm not some hot, skinny supermodel I would be cheated on. and really I'm not willing to deal with that mess or the drama that comes with that.
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