After signing off on two fun-filled years of posting on the blog, I was blindsided by the outpouring of love and support from patrons and friends alike, many of them pleading with me to continue with the blog. Fact is, ever since I made the decision to stop posting, I felt a bit of emptiness inside of me. Each day I found myself wanting to post something, anything on the Diary of Third and Long; partly because I was used to doing it- but mostly because I enjoyed it. And the fact that I allowed myself to get sucked into censuring myself, well it drove me nuts.
With all of that going on, I was still going to keep to my plan to not post anymore. However, with all of the fun and highlights of Super Bowl Sunday, I realized that I can't keep this stuff to myself anymore. Priceless material such as the Super Bowl Bash needs to be shared with those who couldn't make it. So let it be known, the BLOG IS BACK!
Yesterday was one hell of a fun afternoon. Many of the regulars made the pilgrimage to the bar for one last afternoon of Sunday Football fun. One by one, they trickled in: T-BILL, MR. LOW-KEY, THE MAYOR OF MURRAY HILL, NIGHTHAWK, SHAFT, DIRTY SANCHEZ, BABY GIRL, SILENT BOB and his lovely wife, AFRIKA BAMBATTA, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, STIFFLER, SMURFETTE, AMERICAN PSYCHO, JON CUSACK, REDSKINS CHICK, TERRY FROM DERRY, FREEJACK, FIREMARSHALL ED, JEFFERY DAHMER, ANGRY BLACK, PH.D CHICK, ABU, just to name a few.
Sprinkle in a gaggle of tourists, some freeloaders trying to munch on the free buffet, a group of hot chicks from Chicago on a "pub crawl", RODNEY DANGERFIELD, jr, shaking his ass to some old school R & B, and plenty of boozing and cheering in between, and you have the makings of one hell of a fun night. Even NACHO LIBRE, my barback extraordinaire got into the act. As they say, the picture always paints a better picture than the actual word. You be the judge.
So once again, (sorry STIFFIE), the blog is back in business! For those of you who couldn't make it for various reasons, you were definitely missed. In the meantime, stay warm and keep reading. Thanks again for your well-wishes and support!
nuff said
You certainly had some cuties in the house. Looks like a good time.
B to the...
Tell me again how my bill was well over $100 on a FREE night?
I hate that place and may never come back!
-Silent Bob
That's easy. When you weren't running around like a maniac, humping every male leg you could find, you kept ordering shots of Jameson's and rounds of Gentleman's as if you were Gordon Gekko.
Rule #1: When drinking from the "Open Bar", stick to the items available on the "Open Bar". ;)
Way to go, big guy! See you next week.
SB, maybe the bills were rated on dead sexyness and that is why yours was the most
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