
Thursday, February 22, 2007


It looks as if our dear little project, BRITNEY SPEARS simply won't do the rehab thing. Yesterday the peppy pop-tart checked in, then checked out of her second rehab facility in over a week. What gives? Is the bedding inadequate? No soy-lattes? No Gucci doggie beds available? WTF? I hate to say this, but she's become an absolute train wreck. It's like watching O.J. driving the Bronco all over again. Whatever it is that's sending her over the brink, I hope she gets her act together once and for all before it's too late. There's two other people to think about (namely the little babies), so if not for your sake, doll baby, think about the kids......

NEWS FLASH/UPDATE: It seems that our perky pop-tart has AGAIN checked herself into a rehab facility. Maybe the third time's the charm..... Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, closer to home, I worked the day shift yesterday. Why? Well it seems that we're back on the market for a new day bartender. Our dear friend TERRY FROM DERRY has moved on to "greener pastures", so as a result, we are back to square one.

While I was in-between customers, I began to think about all of our past day bartenders and while they were all memorable in their own right, I tried to decipher what it was that kept them from staying on longer. Some chose to leave on their own, others were nudged out for various reasons; nevertheless, the day shift has always been a bit of a merry-go-round. Hell, I've even toyed with the thought of taking over the day shift myself, just to bring some stability to the position. But to do that as well as covering nights- if I didn't have a social life then, I surely wouldn't have one now and you may as well stick a gun in my mouth if that happened.

Granted, working the day shift at Third and Long (or any bar for that matter) isn't the most glamorous thing to do; however it's necessary to be open during the day, so there's no way around it. Deliveries has to be taken in; Then there's the lunchtime crowd of construction guys, suits and the occasional tourist looking to check out some sports or take a break in-between the sight-seeing. Every day is different- you never quite know what to expect. One day you expect to be busy and it's slow; and vice-versa. You think you get a colorful cast of characters at night, try hanging out one afternoon. Some of the people that come in would make your head spin. In a weird way, I kinda like it, for that experience alone. Definite fodder for writing material.

So, the never ending search continues. Any takers?

Last night I ran into one of my close friends, NADINE G. She stopped by the bar to say hello. She's a great friend of the bar and was a longtime regular until marriage and her career took her to Rhode Island. Occasionally her work brings her back to New York, but with everything on her plate (add motherhood to the list), it's difficult to get together like we used to. But whenever we do find time to see each other, it's like we'd seen each other yesterday. She's always been a great and supportive friend- those you don't find everyday, so you cherish them when you do.

In any case, it was great to see her, especially in light of the fact that I was surprised to see that she's expecting again! As a matter of fact, she's ready to pop any day now. Good luck and fingers are crossed for a healthy baby for you and KEVIN!

continues tonight ($4.00, all LIGHT beers, all night long)

THE OSCARS are being telecast this Sunday night; Thinkin' of putting together a "pool" for the awards show. Anyone interested? Let me know asap!

nuff said


Anonymous said...

Have you ever Googled "Swandad"? Must be pretty cool to be such a popular guy, pimpin.

B to the...

Swa said...

Yeah, i'm almost creeped out by the whole thing...

Anonymous said...

Hence why you emailed Blogger and asked "My current blog is a publicly read blog; I want to take that private and create a new blog, using the same url as the previous one. What's the best way to do that? Thanks in advance!" Now THAT'S pretty creepy. And do tell, you weren't really going to make it private, were you?

B to the...

Swa said...

Actually, yes I do have a seperate, private blog now.

Anonymous said...


So, do I get the credit for naming you? Swanfather was going to be just Swan before I reminded him that this guy - http://www.allthingsmike.com/ElectricMovies/phantom/Swan1.jpg - played Swan in The Phantom Of The Paradise.

Your pal,

Mr. T.

Anonymous said...

We'll see how long it's private. The Fakeasian won't rest till she finds it.

B to the...

Swa said...

Well, I've been known as Swan Daddy since 1984, so..... maybe partial credit for ego-stroking purposes...

Anonymous said...

Swan Daddy,

At least I finally got to mention Paul Williams on your blog.

Your pal,

Mr. T.