
Monday, March 5, 2007

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (or a moment of clarity)

Sunday was one of those "chilled out" afternoons, just like the sign advertised outside the bar. The mood was laid back and those who were in attendance were taking it all in. The early part of the afternoon found myself hanging out with BABY GIRL, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, T-BILL, MR. LOW-KEY and his good friend, MS. DOMINATRIX (stopping by without her trusty riding crop). We were shooting the breeze about various topics ranging from movies to Washington Heights and the great real estate that exists up there. We were joined later by SILENT BOB and DIRTY SANCHEZ (who got to enjoy a free college basketball game at Madison Square Garden, courtesy of yours truly). In between that, there were the usual compliment of tourists and sports fans, looking to catch some college basketball on TV.

As I mentioned before, it was one of those carefree afternoons that was perfect in that there were no pressures to have fun or get crazy. That resulted in all of us having a good time anyways. Some of the notable events of the day:

The Old Homeless Guy who spent the weekend frying oranges over a manhole cover. I kid you not. All weekend, this guy would shuffle over to the side of the bar and stare at the steam coming off the manhole cover. Then all of a sudden, he would reach into his paper bag, pull out an orange, then shuffle over to the manhole cover and place his orange on the steaming cover. Then he'd step on the orange and mash it into the manhole cover and after doing all of that, shuffle back to the sidewalk and stare at his handiwork. This was strange to look at indeed and the fact that he spent the whole weekend doing it..... priceless.

Then there was the crazy Mexican Rose Guy; this guy comes around every so often, trying to peddle roses to girls for tips. Normally when he comes in, I chase him out and that's that. This time around, this guy wouldn't say no for an answer and quickly made his way around the bar, giving away roses with the hopes of getting a tip or two. One of the male patrons got pissed at him because his girlfriend gave him money that was meant for my tip; the two got into a brief argument until I was finally able to get the guy to leave. Somewhat bizarre.

We also got a visit from REDSKINS CHICK, who'd been M.I.A for a week or so; turns out she had been pretty ill and was laying low, trying to get better. It was nice to see her up and about again.

After an evening of non-stop bowling (courtesy of the Nintendo Wii), I found myself involved in an in-depth conversation with one of the regulars. In the conversation we found ourselves talking about my future plans and what I was going to do with them. That in of itself was a change of pace, mainly because I am not used to anyone really asking me anything about myself. It's usually the other way around. He brought up some valid points that gave me pause and made me think about my immediate future (not that I haven't thought about it already). Sometimes it takes an outsider's point of view to give you a moment of clarity. So with the life clock continuously ticking, I have some serious thinking to do in regards to what I am going to do with the rest of my life. The next step is to actually take the step.

To be continued....

One last note: It seems that there was a "celebrity sighting" (of sorts) on Saturday night; This individual was allegedly seen in the bar early in the evening by HIS BOY ELROY; He didn't think anything of it until he went home and turned on NY1 and saw the same guy being profiled. Turns out he's a famous young singer out of the U.K. by the name of LEE ROGERS.

I'm guessing he's somewhat of a big deal across the pond and is looking to make his mark here in the States (as they all do). You can check him out via MySpace HERE Or check him out HERE; The music's actually not bad. UPDATE: It turns out that it wasn't him who stopped by after all, but a rather close lookalike. However, after getting a laugh about it, the REAL Lee Rogers made it a point to stop by the bar next time he's in NYC. Seems like a pretty cool guy.

DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS TONIGHT ($1.00 Bud/Bud Light/Coors Light), 4pm-close.

nuff said

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really, it's ok to go for that sex change operation. We will all understand.

B to the...