WE'RE BACK!!!! (well, almost)
Spent the majority of Monday holed up in the bar with FIRE MARSHALL ED and TACO MOROCCO, the day barback, working on some renovation projects in the bar. Hot, sweaty, and cranky was the mode of the day as we got a lot accomplished. The bartop is almost redone and we should be (fingers crossed) back up and running by the time DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS starts (4pm). One thing i've learned about myself (and this goes back to my days on the Summer Work Crew in college) is that I detest painting and everything that goes with it; From taping windows and edges (of which I've been told that I am the absolute slowest at), to the actual painting, to cleaning brushes- I hate it more than anything. If you ever wanted to capture me and make me a prisoner of war, the way to break my spirit is to force me to paint a large room with lots of windows. I'll crack within minutes.
The best part of renovation projects is completing them. In this case, we can see the light at the end of this short (but tedious) project and that's the one thing that is keeping me going. That's one thing about me- as much as I'll bitch and complain about painting, if I don't finish the project, that would drive me even crazier.
If you haven't noticed by now, I hate painting.
I have another early day in store today, so I have to keep this short. I promise a more substantial post tomorrow. Until then, I'll see you later!
NUFF said.
Painting is the worst. Worse than sex with fat chicks.
B to the...
painting only sucks when you are bad at it. if you are pretty good at painting it goes fast and it can be done in good time.
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