
Monday, September 28, 2009


Yesterday was another crazy day of football fun at the bar. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with the Yom Kippur holiday creating havoc on the local sports scene.

For starters, we had both local NY football teams playing at the same time; something that hadn't been seen in about 25 years. It' s hard enough trying to make everyone happy when it comes to the TV's but when you get both Giants fans and Jets fans competing for attention, along with all of the other football fans who think their team is the most important, it makes your head spin. Then add to the mix, the Yankees/Red Sox game, which was moved up to 1pm because of the holiday. Now everyone wants to see the football games AND they Yankees' division-clinching victory. Oy Vey!

AFRIKA BAMBATTA depressed after his lowly Washington Redskins took a tumble against the even-lowlier Detroit Lions.

"Winner, winner chicken dinner!!" (thanks B TO THE B for the game cards)

We also got a nice group of runners and supporters of the TUNNEL to TOWERS run that took place earlier in the day. One of our own, THE RUNNING MAN, placed first among all FDNY runners and received a pretty cool plaque for his efforts.

Well done RUNNING MAN!

We even got a visit from MISS WISCONSIN, looking pretty stylish these days. The boys definitely approved of the look.

Overall, the day went pretty well and everyone seemed to have a good time, well except the Miami Dolphins fans, who saw their team take another hit, this time by the San Diego Chargers, 23-13. The Dolphins better get a win soon or it will definitely test the mettle of its fans, that's for sure.

On busy days like today, every once in a while, you come across someone that annoys you. I mean really annoys the living shit out of you. It's inevitable. This week it was one snotty blonde, in for a birthday celebration with her friends. Now everyone was hanging out and having a good time and this young lady, celebrating her 21st birthday, was CLEARLY overserved. So we politely cut her off, suggesting that she switch over to water for the time being. She clearly didn't like that change of plan because all of a sudden, she began cursing up a storm, to the point that it made me blush, and I'm a guy! She could take on most sailors her mouth was so foul. And of course it didn't help matters much when MR. LOW-KEY, back from celebrating a Jets victory offered to buy the brat a birthday shot and I had to say no to that. She really flipped out then. (Thanks LOW-KEY for rolling me under the bus by the way!).

If that wasn't bad enough, she then turned her venom from me onto her friends when one of them did something that she didn't like. I wish I could tell you what it was that set her off but the reasoning was so asinine that I found myself rolling my eyes. Her friends were so embarrassed by her outbursts that they eventually left her at the bar. Good for them because she was way out of line. Your friends are out for your birthday and you berate them and treat them like crap. Not cool.

Aside from that, it was a good day.

*Check out some more pics from the day on our FACEBOOK page!

ON ANOTHER NOTE: RANGER ROB has some tickets for sale for this Wednesday's Yankees/Royals game (sec. 115). If anyone is interested, LMK and I'll put you in touch with him.

MNF tonight featuring DALLAS vs CAROLINA (8pm). $1 mugs of BUD/BUD LIGHT or COORS LIGHT all night long!

Nuff Said

1 comment:

Playaz Klub said...

My favorite moment of the day was watching the Dolphin fans sneaking out after the game one by one. Three different Miami faithful gave the bird to the two Charger fans in the house, who just happened to be next to the door.

Would this happen if the Michelle's were there? I don't think so.