
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I had last night off so I took an opportunity to check out the NY Film Festival, thanks to some free tickets I scored from a contest. It gave me a chance to leave the neighborhood for a few hours (yes, I left Murray Hill) and enjoy some "me" time. This couldn't have come at a better time after a long Brew Crew Sunday.

After the movie (which ran a bit late), I get back to the apartment and I get a text message from the doorman saying that I should check out what's taking place in the bar. I did notice some loud music coming from the bar but I didn't think anything of it since it's usually loud on Monday/Tuesday nights, thanks to dollar mugs.

So I go to the bar and sure enough, it's like Club Europa. Bodies grinding to the music all over the place and people yelling and screaming in euphoria to the blaring jukebox. FIRE MARSHALL ED and THE RUNNING MAN looking somewhat shell-shocked behind the bar pretty much summed up what was taking place.

As it turned out, the happy people in the bar were a large contingent of foreign exchange students from Spain, here to study English. Apparently they had a huge exam earlier in the day and were there to let off steam.

There were easily 40-50 people there to let off steam. And they partied on until well after 3am... pretty unusual for a Monday night.

Not a bad way to kick off the week!

TODAY: Champions League Soccer returns this afternoon with a double-header featuring ARSENAL vs OLYMPIAKOS and RANGERS FC vs SEVILLA FC (2:30pm). $4 Carlsberg bottles during ALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE MATCHES! Followed by our famous DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS (4pm-close)!

Nuff Said

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was that buttcrack I saw? Those silly Spaniards!

B to the...