

This week's edition of "What Were They Thinking?" covers former Mets G.M. (and now former ESPN Analyst) STEVE PHILLIPS. Here was a guy who seemingly had everything one could have wanted: A beautiful family, a great job running a Major League Baseball team and all of the perks that goes with it and what does he do? He goes off and has an affair with his secretary. Stupid, yes but MIRACULOUSLY ENOUGH, the team stands behind him and he settles the whole thing out of court. He somehow keeps his job AND his wife and family (eventually he loses the same job for sheer ineptitude in running a baseball team, but that's another story for another day).

Flash forward to last week. Same guy who had lost a great gig running a MLB team somehow hits the lottery and gets YET another sweet gig, this time as a baseball analyst at ESPN, the sports/media giant. This gig is even sweeter than the first in that he works about 6-7 months out of the year, pretty much stress free and still makes good bank and plenty of time to spend with the wife and kids. About as perfect a scenario as it gets, right? Now if he could only keep "Little Stevie" in his pants..... Riiigghhhttt.

So, with all of this going in his favor, he should be pretty happy with life, or so it seems. Apparently not as our dear friend, Mr. Ex-Met demonstrated. He decides that he has to perk up his boring, mundane, near-perfect life by going after the "forbidden fruit". The same piece of fruit that almost cost him his other perfect gig. This time, he doesn't go after a secretary (been there, done that), but an intern/underling, even more "taboo". This guy is definitely a thrill-seeker, that's for sure.

His choice of fruit is, to say the least, interesting. If you're going to risk everything you've worked for for a piece of ass, you better be damned sure that she's worth it, that's for sure. And I'm not even talking physically (though I have to say... oy!).... As my dear friend AFRIKA BAMBATTA always says, "No one is worth losing your mortgage payment over". And from what we've seen with this intern/underling, that saying definitely hits home.

Separated at birth: Steve Phillips' "forbidden fruit", Brooke Hundley and "Marla Hootch" ("A League of Their Own")

So now that the both of them have been ousted from ESPN, what happens now? He's gone to rehab for sex addiction. His wife has filed for divorce. He's become a laughingstock among his peers and the Average Joe for not only getting caught in an affair, but what he got caught with. He's probably done in the industry. Lord knows what will happen to his relationship with his family, if it could ever be totally repaired.

She's becoming the next Monica Lewinsky in the opinionated media circles; she definitely delusional if she thinks that her outing their "relationship" is going to result in him going to her. She'll have to find a new career as her current name in the sports/media relationship is mud. Who knows how long it will take for her to find a substantial relationship in the future without this incident being brought up over and over again. She has a tough road ahead of her as well.

So, at the end of the day, the question I have to ask the both of them: Was it worth it?

Discuss amongst yourselves.

ANOTHER NOTE: Not sure if you heard the news yet, but JAY-Z and ALICIA KEYS will be performing at the opening game of the World Series tomorrow night. How did we know about it? We met the guys who are setting up the whole show at our bar last week. Two really nice old guys whose production company has put on live events all over the world. Hmmm.. I wonder if they can hook a brotha up with some game tickets?

See you at DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS tonight!

That's It. That's All I Got.


Anonymous said...

Classic resemblance to A League of Their Own!!! Now watch, that pcycho bitch will find out about your blog and start stalking you.

B to the...

Anonymous said...

Bet he gets another high profile TV job. He's a good looking guy, so he'll continue to bring in the tail.

Sex Addicts Rehab? Hmmmm...tr