
Monday, November 2, 2009


Sorry for the late post; BREW CREW SUNDAY, Week 8 took a lot out of me and as we all know, I don't posses the same "bounce back" from these events as I did in my youth. It was one of those days.

The day started out innocently enough. The NY Jets and Giants were both scheduled to play at the same time, which is always a pain in the ass. Fortunately for us, the NY Jets were scheduled to play the Miami Dolphins and the majority of our Dolphins fans were going to the game, so that freed up the TV's for us to put on other games. It was also NY Marathon Sunday, which meant that while the early part of the day was a little slow, it was going to get hectic later with the Marathon Party. Add to that mix the Yankees/Phillies game and it would make for a long day.

The usual suspects were there (AFRIKA BAMBATTA, T-BILL, SILENT BOB, DIRTY SANCHEZ, BIG BLACK) to get the hijinks going. NAPOLEON showed up a little later with a special guest from his hometown of Pittsburgh: LAMARR WOODLEY, all-pro linebacker of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers are on a bye week so WOODLEY came to NY with a couple of buddies for a few days and somehow, someway, he and NAPOLEON made a connection and everyone ended up at the bar. He's a big boy. What was interesting was how he was totally into watching the other games, especially the Denver/Baltimore game; No doubt he was doing a little scouting for their upcoming game against the Broncos next Sunday. A very nice guy.

We also had a visit from SNY/TBS Baseball Anaylist and former NY Met, RON DARLING, who was spending the day in the neighborhood. He has some good friends that live near the bar and pops in from time to time. He ended up staying most of the afternoon, watching the games and chatting away with the patrons. A pretty good guy as well.

Things picked up quickly after 5pm, when the Marathon Party kicked in. Runners began trickling in and got a warm reception from the bar crowd. One runner in particular got more than she bargained for when she walked into the bar and not only got a warm reception from the crowd.... but a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL from her boyfriend, in front of everyone in the bar!

In the 17 years that I've been involved in Third and Long, I've known of many couples who met there and have gone on to get married; however, this is the first marriage proposal I'd ever actually seen at the bar. It was a surreal moment and the whole bar got into it. Pretty cool, and pretty ballsy on the groom's part. Congrats to the both of them!

The rest of the night, as predicted, turned into a night of debauchery as the booze flowed freely and spirits were high, especially when the NY Yankees pulled off an improbable victory over the Phillies to pull them within one game of winning the World Series. MR. LOW-KEY and SULLY T. tried to get everyone to buy me shots in an attempt to get me drunk for my birthday (almost worked); we also had late night fly-bys from BLONDE CHATTERBOX, AMY SMART and even THE DON. So the night (and the weekend) was a huge success and I'm pretty sure many folks are paying the price today (myself included).

Plenty of pics to check out on our FACEBOOK page!

TONIGHT: Will the NY Yankees close out the World Series vs Philadelphia? Possible World Series celebration at the bar tonight, featuring $1 mugs, BUD/BUD LIGHT/COORS LIGHT, $2 mugs, all other domestic brands on tap and 2 for 1 Blue Moon bottles!

That's It. That's All I Got.

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