
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

As I write today's post, I took a quick glance at today's date and it just hit me; we're a week away from Thanksgiving and the crazy holiday season. Wow! I feel like we ended Summer just last week. Where in the heck did the Fall season go? I'm sure with all of this "Indian Summer" -like weather we've been having of late, it certainly has thrown us all off a bit. But yes, the exodus home to see the family and share in the turkey and all of its trimmings is just around the corner. And for some of you, not a moment too soon, I'm sure.

Last night's edition of Dollar Draft Madness was pretty uneventful, aside from the two jerks who felt the need to try and show off their beer muscles by pushing (or trying to push) the bartender's buttons, to no avail. Why they had a jones for SULLY T, the bartender was beyond me, (or him for that matter), but all they got out of the deal was a nice toss out of the bar by the door staff.

Then there was this couple from Kansas who was in town to check out some independent music awards show at Roseland Ballroom. Apparently they won some contest that flew them out here for the ceremony. Which is nice and all and I am one who certainly appreciates a free trip now and again. However, once they began engaging SULLY T (notice a trend here?), and sharing life stories, the girl in particular started to grate on everyone's last nerve. I wasn't sure if it was because of her loud and grainy voice or the ridiculous stories she kept shoving down everyone's ear hole; whatever it was, it made me want to grab a stack of napkins and shove them in her pie hole. Is that wrong of me to say? Well it's what I felt like doing at the time.

Aside from that, it was a pretty low-key Dollar Draft night.

TONIGHT: PUB TRIVIA will kick off a little later than normal (8:30pm) due to our "After-Work Halfway-Through-MOvember" fundraiser (6-9pm). The fundraiser is open to anyone who wants to attend ($10 donation at the door gets you a drink bracelet which entitles you to reduced priced drinks). By the way, if you can't make the event, you can always make a donation to MOVEMBER (raising awareness of Men's Health Issues and Prostate/Testicular Cancer) by clicking HERE

As always, PUB TRIVIA is free to play and with plenty of cool prizes up for grabs, it's a great activity for you and your friends/co-workers to play! So swing by after dinner and get your competitive juices going! TONIGHT'S THEME: Ladies Night

See you tonight!

That's It. That's All I Got!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's my guy! I'm the only one who knows how to push his buttons :)