
Thursday, December 24, 2009


The night before Christmas Eve brought about a hodge-podge of activity and eclectic personalities, most of them bordering on weird. One usually expects the weirdos to come out on Christmas Eve itself, but for some reason, a lot of them chose to come out tonight. Between the closet stalkers, frat boy tourists, office party revelers hanging on for that one last drink and the gypsies that I love to hate, it was one of those nights that made you roll your eyes.

Thankfully there were no major problems to deal with and I could go home in one piece, ready to work behind the stick on Christmas Eve. Speaking of which, yours truly will be working the bar on Thursday from 11am-6pm before shuttin' it down for the Christmas holiday. The bar will be closed Christmas Eve night as well as Christmas Day. We will reopen on Saturday, December 26, just in time for "Kick the Keg Saturday", with SULLY T. behind the stick.

So if you happen to be in the neighborhood before heading out for the holidays, stop by and say HI!

More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My corner bar was packed last night too. I know I staggered home last night. I don't remember it but the foot prints in the snow on my front yard (not on the sidewalk) confirmed it.

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