

As we wind down one of our long-running traditions, Dollar Draft Madness,  here are scenes from last night's Christmas edition- (experimenting with Instagram):

The night was festive and there were plenty of people enjoying themselves with visions of sugarplums (and shots) dancing in their heads.  It wasn't totally incident-free, however, as we had to toss a guy who probably had one too many dips of the spiked egg nog at his company party and tried to pick a fight with a patron who was in no mood for his company.  The patron, who in his own right, probably has a few screws loose to begin with, wanted to be left alone and this guy kept pushing his buttons to the point when he eventually blew up.  Both guys went outside and were ready to fight one another until we broke it up.  No harm, no foul.  Silly and pointless?  Of course.  But this is what you get sometimes when you're dealing with folks coming from holiday office parties.

Other than that, it was a great night.  Next up:  PUB TRIVIA- The Holiday Edition (tonight @ 8pm) It's the last one for 2011 and tonight's theme: Christmas/Hanukkah.

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