
Monday, February 14, 2005

Post-Football Blues.....

Yesterday was the first Sunday without NFL football. This is usually the longest Sunday of the year for anyone who loves football. It's the first Sunday without the excitement and anticipation of the NFL. The first Sunday without your comrades-those individuals you forged a united front with over the course of nineteen weeks and became a family of sorts. The first Sunday without the witty banter, the side bets, fantasy football talk, the smell of Carl's cheesesteaks, the awarding of the Cosmo drink to our favorite customer of the day....*sigh* Those days are long gone until September. What a long dry season..... Give me a moment to get composed.....

Getting back to Post-Football Blues. I spent my first Sunday without football by listening to couples gripe about "The Gates", the new exhibit in Central Park. (The general consesnus by the way, is that the exhibit is all hype, no substance.) I was so desperate for any type of football that I even put on Arena Football in the hopes of regenerating a good feeling, but alas, it wasn't the same. I was also blessed by a day-long visit by "Madame X". She was in her usual jovial state: giggling and laughing outloud (to herself, of course). No tears this time. She actually had a cellphone conversation and I think I detected a German accent. She's an interesting person, that's for sure. Speaking of Madames... did anyone happen to catch in Sunday's paper (I think it was the NY Post), the article about the Madam who had a brothel right in our neighborhood (143 East 35th Street)? Hmmmm......

The rest of the evening was spent viewing the Grammy's with various groups of people.
Most of the customers felt that this year's Grammy's was a bit much on sentimentality and way over the top w/the Ray Charles lovefest. Oh well, the man was due.

Looking forward to today-Valentine's Day. If you haven't heard by now, we are looking out for the single folks by staging our annual ANTI-Valentine's Day Party. We are also rolling back our prices to honor our 14th Anniversary. So tonite, you guys make out like bandits because we are offering $1 mugs on all DOMESTIC drafts, $3 shots (SoCo-Lime, Jager, Hurricane, Goldschlager), and $4 mixed well drinks all night long. We are also focusing on the 90's by highlighting 90's films, music and trivia.

It should be a good time and who knows, you may even find your own Valentine (or two)... The 3rd&Long cam will be out in full force so mind yourselves! See you there!


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