As the dust settles.....
Another football season came to a close last night. A packed house at Third & Long saw the New England Patriots claw their way back to a hard-fought victory over the Philadephia Eagles. Many people doubted that Philly would have the cojones to keep it close, let alone win, however, they made it a respectable game. Hats off to the Eagles ...hopefully the city is still intact when they return....I miss football already. *sigh*
Super Bowl Party Notes: The day started with a group of nurses arriving at around 1:30pm to claim their piece of the turf for prime viewing. This group of nurses have a reputation for being a lively bunch on a regular night, so the thought of having these same nurses for a full-on day of drinking and carousing left an endless array of possibilities. Let's just say that the nurses closed the bar well after 1am and feeling no pain and their reputation intact.
During this time, another young lady showed up and took her place at the bar. Now this young lady is interesting in that she must be new to the neighborhood. I've seen her out and about the last couple of weeks but only this past week has she ventured into the bar. From Tuesday up to last night, this young lady (whom i'll dub "Madame X") has practically closed the bar every night since. Not that there's anything wrong with that. "Madame X" has a unique sense about her. She keeps to herself and seems very comfortable with that. At various moments of a given evening you can find her deep in thought, laughing out loud (to herself, of course), crying, the emotions range from one end of the spectrum to the other. If you are a people watcher, then "Madame X" would be a good study for you. The funny thing about it is that for the most part, no one cares. They leave her in her world and that's that. Only in NY, right? By the way, "Madame X" gets Customer of the Week.
The bar begins to fill up at around 5:30ish. A lot of customers opt to do the open bar special ($30 for beer/wine and mixed well drinks). A pretty good deal considering that the game lasts for what seems to be an eternity. Open Bar pet peeve: idiots who try to scam drinks off of people who pay. Nothing burns my bunions more than that. If you can't afford to booze, stay home. Don't piggyback off of other people. Ugh.
Other tidbits: The memorial photo on the wall (under the Coors Light sign) of a present-day customer (who goes by the name "Pinky"...priceless); The guy who tried to hit on "Madame X"- simutanious conversations taking place (him and her, and her and herself); The priss who got worked up because her Cosmo wasn't up to snuff only to have the bartender remind her that this wasn't Bungalow 8; OH AND SNAP! How do you go to a Super Bowl party and pass out drunk before the end of the first quarter???? I felt kinda bad for the guy who did just that and pissed his pants in the process, only to have his friends leave him hanging....Oh and there the matter of a certain shiny-headed charcoal colored fellow; (We'll call him Iceman-he keeps sliding on by). First there were pictures floating around with him from a certain party in a compromising position with a certain fair-headed maiden(he denied it was him of course); then there was a certain no-so-lovely young lady (think "HOBBIT")at the Super Bowl party that he had a past liasion with (but does not remember and denies) about squirming....priceless.
Nevertheless, this year's Super Bowl Party was a huge success, both for the bar and its patrons. Next up on the docket: MARDI GRAS MADNESS! Just in case you didn't know, Mardi Gras is early this year and our Fat Tuesday party is TOMORROW NIGHT. $1 drafts, $3 Hurricane Shots, beads, bitties and giveaways! Always a good time. Be there or be square! That's it for me. Catch up with you later.
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