
Tuesday, February 8, 2005


No sooner after celebrating the Super Bowl that we find ourselves confronted with FAT TUESDAY (aka Mardi Gras). Now while this ain't New Orleans or the French Quarter, history dictates that we come pretty close when it comes to all of the fun that goes with Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday fun. Legend dictates that Fat Tuesday symbolizes the last night of debauchery before the observation of Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent (supposedly you are supposed to give up something during that time, whether it be alcohol, cigarettes, sex, etc.). Thus explains the madness that takes place on Fat Tuesday. We'll do our part by supplying an outlet for you folks to "tie one on", "get your groove on", or whatever it is that you do. That means, of course, DOLLAR DRAFTS, $3 HURRICANE & JAGERMEISTER SHOTS, BEADS, T-SHIRTS, GOOD MUSIC, etc. The rest, of course, is up to you.

Pics will be forthcoming as it has been requested by many of you. If you want to submit a pic for the site, email them to me. If they are worthy of posting, then i'll get them up there!

Blog is short and sweet today-gotta get ready for tonite. Hope to see everyone there!


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