It's President's Day Weekend and the neighborhood is a bit quieter than usual. Normally this is a big travel/ski weekend so that explains a lot. What's on tap for today? Hmmm.... Well, it's Daytona 500 time; the "Super Bowl" of auto racing. Now five years ago I would have never even brought up auto racing, let alone the Daytona 500. But times have changed. Auto racing (specifically the Nextel Cup NASCAR circuit) has grown by leaps and bounds and is now considered one of the top viewing sports in America. As a result, you can't ignore it anymore (or even call it a "redneck sport anymore). So, with hockey being on the deep freeze for good, the NBA on its All-Star break and baseball just beginning its spring training, The Daytona 500 gets top billing today.
I've been getting requests from many of you to provide more details on the "Madame X" saga...well, without getting into too much detail, here's the recap: "Madame X" is a patron of Third and Long (fairly new one at that). I'm not sure where she comes from (although I think I've narrowed her origin to Germany), but I get the sense that she's fairly new to the country and NYC. Not sure what she does for a living, however, I get the sense that she doesn't do much b/c she spends a lot of time at the bar. She's relatively harmless, however, she has a few "quirks" that makes her unique: She keeps to herself and is perfectly fine with that. She exhibits a range of emotions on a regular basis (from extreme happiness and joy to sadness and tears); And if you are an avid people watcher, she'd make a great subject.
Now over the past couple of weeks, various people have tried to make conversation with her...usually with little success. I'm not sure if it's because she's shy or doesn't have a firm grasp of the language, or simply doesn't want to be bothered. I've personally seen many a male try their luck at establishing "the hook-up", only to walk away muttering stuff like "that bitch's crazy"..... I thought that this person was destined to be alone....UNTIL: That fateful day this week when "MR. X" came in. Now this individual had a few quirks of his own, you can be sure of that. He's one of those types that has to have a conversation with EVERYONE in his sight. Even if it's a couple of sentences. The type that could grate on your nerves in a short period of time. Ugh.
In any case, I come into the bar to check up on things and there they are....holding an actual conversation! Now for those of you who know "Madame X", you know that when there is a conversation taking place w/her, there are actually two conversations taking place: you and her, and her and herself. Apparently this didn't deter "Mr. X", as he kept plugging away until she finally gave in and started to respond. Next thing you know, conversation led to subtle touching and caressing; at one point, "Mr. X" raised his shirt, grabbed her hand and placed it on his nipple and then took a photo of it w/his camera phone...yes, bizarre. Whatever he did, it worked. Next thing you know, they left the bar together, hand-in-hand, walking off into the sunset.
The next day, Madame X returned to the bar and resumed her normal routine. I was tempted to ask her how things went, but quite frankly, I wasn't in the mood for a double conversation. It wasn't worth it to me. However, when she started laughing to herself (again), I finally asked her if she was laughing at me. I think I caught her off guard because she became flustered and apologized, saying that she was thinking about something funny in her head and not to mind her because she was crazy. D'uh!
So that's the Madame X story, in a nutshell (excuse the pun).
If you are in the neighborhood today, stop by and catch the Daytona 500! There will be $3 Domestic Pints and $4 mixed well drinks. Or if you are looking to chill out this evening with some casual (meaning not loud) tunes without the worries of having to wake up for work, the specials will be in effect then as well. In any case, enjoy the day and I'll be back again tomorrow!
1 comment:
i guess there truly is someone out there for everyone huh? you definitely get a real perspective working in a bar and learn more about human interaction than sometimes you'd care to!
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