
Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Sluggish Blog.....

Over the course of the last few days it has become apparent that my blog had taken on the characteristics of a drunken slug; very slow uploading, comments not being posted, etc. It turns out (through trial and error) that I may have exceeded some space restrctions of some type. Maybe it's the overabundance of photos or audiobites; not sure yet. However, it seems that when I deleted some of the older soundbites, the blog began to run smoother. SO as a result, I will try to keep my soundbites to a minimum. All this to keep you, my little blogettes, happy.

During the high point of what turned out to be a rather busy evening, I got blindsided by an appearance from a familiar face: THE ROCKSTAR PORTER! Yes, the prodigal son returns as I predicted..... It's funny that he chose that moment to show his suntanned, leathery face. He said hello. I glared at him as I would anyone that would carjack me and leave me in the desert. I, of course, asked him where he's been and he, of course, couldn't give me a straight answer. He just shrugged his shoulders and then had the audacity to ask for his pay. I guess living the lifestyle of a celebrity was more expensive than he bargained for. I laughed. "I told him, no work, no phone call, no pay." I think he was shocked by my reply, mainly because I was usually the one he was most comfortable with going to for things. I then told him that his money issues were out of my hands and that he would have to see the Don Father. He didn't like that answer- to have to see the DonFather would be the same as meeting the Grim Reaper if you were on bad terms with him....he gave me a blank look, then disappeared into the misty evening. I watched him walk down the street with his sidekick. Part of me couldn't help but to feel a bit bad for him, yet at the same time, you have to be responsible for your actions. If you feel that you have to booze it up after work each night-then you better be able to get up the next day if you expect to still have a job. Bottom line: you are only as strong as your weakest link. We are a team at 3 & L and everyone depends on each other to keep the place going smoothly. If you can't keep up with the varsity, then you get booted from the team.

Moving on.... Yours truly will be making a special appearance today behind the stick from 12-7pm. So if you are in the neighborhood and are looking to catch some hardwood action, feel free to stop by. $2 mugs-all beers on tap: UNTIL THE KEG RUNS DRY.

Most curious line overheard last night
: (from a female, no doubt) "I hate red-state basketball", referring to one of the NCAA tournement basketball games on tv. Can't make this stuff up.

Sorry to make it short today-gotta get the shop ready. Talk to you soon.


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