
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Word of the Day:

lumpen \LUHM-puhn; LUM-puhn\, adjective:
1. Of or relating to dispossessed and displaced individuals, especially those who have lost social status.
2. Common; vulgar.

This word came to mind when I found myself overhearing a conversation last night. It took place in the midst of the madness that was the pre-game Elephant Parade tailgating party. (Yes, it seems that elephants have groupies too). In any case, there was these two girls having a conversation (well, I probably shouldn't say girls; they were probably in their thirties), and one of them seemed to be upset. She was sharing her frustration at the fact that she'd been laid off for over a year and still couldn't find a new job. She was bored with sitting at home, dealing with unemployment, etc. The thing she was most frustrated with, however, was the fact that her friends (or who she thought was her friends) were beginning to shun her, exclude her from gatherings, treating her like the "lumpen" masses... and it was taking a toll from her. I thought it was an interesting word. I also could relate to her frustration, having gone through a similar thing when I left my old job. It was good to see that at least she had someone to lean on.

The parade. The Elephant Parade, i'm convinced, brings out all types. First of all, we are talking about pachederms here. I'm sure everybody has been to a zoo or a circus at least once in their lives and seen an elephant. To gather at the stroke of midnight and sit outside in the cold to watch a parade of elephants, quite frankly, is nuts to me. But I can't complain because every year it brings good business for the bar. I mean, let's be real: If you are going to hang out and wait for some elephants to come, you may as well drink a few cold ones, right? There were a lot of tourists, there for the curiosity factor; you also had a smattering of PETA supporters who dipped in for a quick one before going back outside to raise holy hell. The funniest part of the parade (and it never fails), is to see the people who had been camped out by the Midtown Tunnel for hours, make a beeline sprint up East 35th street to catch the elephants as they trot up 34th street. I don't think most people realize how fast these things can move when they want too. You have people tripping over each other, cameras flashing all over the place. Funny shit.

There is a fund-raiser tonight for TNT (Team in Training); a non-profit group that raise monies for individuals to participate in triathalons for charity. There will be drink specials in conjunction with the fundraiser all night long, so if you are in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by and help out a good cause.

UPCOMING HAPPENINGS: Thursday-NCAA Madness continues and we'll continue w/$3.00 Sam Adams products throughout the weekend. Also look out for the continuation of our "POP-A-SHOT" competition on Friday. Pop-a-Shot is a basketball game where you have to try and hit the most baskets in a minute. Prizes o'plenty.

That's it for now. It's spring and guess what? We are expecting snow again. Yay.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WTF Swan Father? Nary a word about all the ass-grabbing that went on in there last night. I hear that certain blog-fathers had their posteriors re-arranged by certain cuckoo birds. Any stories for the masses?