
Friday, October 27, 2006


Last night was one of those nights where nothing worth reporting took place. The bar was slow, the avenue was even slower; it was cold and windy and simply one of those nights that had "blah" written all over it. The only thing missing to make it completely miserable was the six inches of snow that would normally come with such a cold and dreary night.

Some of the regulars stopped by for a few pops (DIRTY SANCHEZ, JON CUSACK, AMERICAN PSYCHO, STIFFLER, THE SPIN DOCTOR, MR. LOW-KEY, DALE EARNHARDT, III and others) and for those who were on the proverbial "trim hunt", they were disappointed as the pickings to choose from were slim, at best.

At least I had another celebrity sighting during the night. Now I don't know if I would place this person in the "A-list" category, or even the "B-list" category at this point. But I can pride myself (yet again) in spotting this person as he strolled by in a small crowd. The celeb of note is RICHARD KIND, of MAD ABOUT YOU, the funny sitcom from the early 90's and SPIN CITY, the ABC sitcom starring MICHAEL J. FOX and CHARLIE SHEEN. He's more of a character actor than a lead and has always played in small comedic roles. More recently seen is episodes of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM. I've always known him as the guy with the goofy face. In any case, saw him strolling casually up 3rd Avenue, eating a frozen yogurt.

By having this celebrity sighting listed as one of my highlights of the night should tell you the kind of night it was. It was just one of those nights. While last night was one of those rare "off" Thursday nights, I still wished we had a night like this place had....

I want to thank some of the loyal readers who stopped by last night for their compliments about the blog. I'm happy to hear that we've become a constant staple of their work day. I'll keep writing if you keep reading!

Don't forget about the weekend activities we have in store for you, including our HALLOWEEN BASH on Saturday as well as the HALLOWEEN HANG-OVER on Sunday! click HERE for more details!

Enjoy the weekend!



Anonymous said...

Celeb Sighting this morning...kinda

That guy from arrested development who played the magician. Lex and 51st.


Anonymous said...

I saw Hank Azaria a couple of weekends ago at Bowlmar...
