

I got this email over the weekend from our friend MATT and wanted to share it with you. You've been very supportive of him throughout his ordeal and passing along his message, it's the least I could do.

Let me start by thanking everyone for the thoughts and prayers I received since my accident. It has been 10 months now and my progress continues to surprise everyone. The mere fact that I am still on this earth is amazing in itself. To this day I am learning more about what actually happened to me, without a medical background it is impossible to understand the amount of injuries I incurred. To date, I have had 30 surgeries and have at least 2 more to go and when the doctor walks in the room and asks if I understand what we’re doing today? I respond, just fix me please. It’s also been said that, just before I go under the gas, I usually come up with some wise ass comment to the doc. That’s probably not a good idea, but I believe that I haven’t offended anyone yet…

As the days go by things get a little better and I get a little stronger. Those who know me well, know it isn’t happening fast enough for me, but such is life. Recently I learned I was given a 1% chance of surviving this ordeal and I am happy to say that not only did I survive but I am back in the gym, on top of therapy, 2 days a week working to speed up the heeling process. Who would have thought in less then 10 months I would be hitting the weights moving from machine to machine with both my crutches, I know I didn’t. I was told a million times keep working and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know now that isn’t completely true. The light isn’t at the end of the tunnel at all its inside you always and only you can keep it lit. There are days when I have to fight to turn it on but I thank God, my family, and friends for giving me the strength to keep it shining. One day I’ll wake up and the light will already be on and it will stay that way, then and only then I’ll know I have succeeded in getting my life back. The journey is still a long one and I can’t tell you how much it means to me that I am not out their alone. I can never thank all of you enough.

Hope to see you all soon,


After reading this email, I couldn't help but to well up a bit. Knowing what he's been through and seeing him progress over the last few months; it's a miricle, if I can be so bold to say it. To see him upbeat and in good spirits in spite of everything that's happened, he's an inspiration to me and countless others. My buddy TERRY B. said it best:

Reading this note explains the meaning of life; how precious it is, how fleeting it can be, how unfair, how tedious, andmost importantly how spiritual, enlightening and motivating it should be. It also tells us a story through Matt's ordeal that the body is resilient and it's resiliency increases as you treat it more and more like a temple, but it is nothing without a sound mind. If you can conquer your own fears or lack of faith, healing becomes an attainable goal with positive thought and determined direction.

What more needs to be said? We're pulling for you MATT. Keep making us proud.

More updates to come.


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