
Monday, October 30, 2006

(Sexy MODEL DIVA with a slightly tanked SWANFATHER...)


Sunday afternoon was yet another fun-filled afternoon as yours truly got to spend a rare day on the other side of the bar drinking WITH the Sunday Brew Crew. Apparently I'd said something a few weeks ago about always missing out on the fun with the gang because I was on the other side of the bar; so members of the Brew Crew got together and surprised me by pooling their resources and hiring out another bartender to work the afternoon so that I could hang out and drink with the gang. I'd heard a rumor that something like this was going to happen but was pleasantly surprised when BLONDE CHATTERBOX showed up and actually threw me out from behind the bar and served me up a nice, tall COSMO, much to the delight of all of the Brew Crew members!

The rest of the afternoon consisted of birthday toasts, lots of pizza (thanks to MR. LOW-KEY), great pastries (thanks to BABY GIRL), laughs and a couple of obnoxious looking balloon heads (a Tickle-Me-Elmo, thanks to ANGRY BLACK) and DIRTY SANCHEZ (in his feeble attempt to be me- which of course, is impossible). It was a great afternoon and I am as always, humbled by the well-wishes and the thoughtful gesture from all of the regulars. I'm not sure who's idea it was to hire out a bartender for the bartender, but it was great! You are the reason why I keep doing what I do. Thanks again!

And now... the pics!

Thanks for stopping by! And don't forget, DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS is in effect with a special guest visit by the COORS LIGHT MODELS! $1.00 mugs of Coors Light ALL NIGHT LONG!!!



Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed all the fun, but I heard you had a picture of me anyway :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday. Hope youre nursing a hangover.

-Spin Dr.

Swa said...

Nothing worse than nursing a hangover while working the day shift at the scene of the crime..... ugh

Diarrhea of the Mouth said...

wish i could have been there with u, sound like alot of fun. but if it makes any difference, i was thinking of u on ur bday!!

Anonymous said...

outstanding. i wish i was there. happy b-day swandaddy.