
Sunday, October 29. 2006

(FIRE MARSHALL EDDIE in the middle of a busy, busy night...)


Last night we hosted our yearly HALLOWEEN BASH and from all indications, it was a smashing success. This year's bash was a private affair, hosted by a couple of pixie-sweet looking sisters from Westchester. Aside from being a royal pain in the ass about the usual things ("Can you get my friends in?", "I don't know that person, kick him out!"), their guests were relatively well-behaved. That being said, with the numbers reaching maximum capacity, it was a great time for the guests- a royal clusterf*** for the employees. I ended up spending my night helping out FIRE MARSHALL EDDIE maintain control of the party as it got really busy, really quick. The guests took full advantage of the open bar and by the end of the party, the bar looked like a bomb shelter in Iraq. That being said, overall the party was a huge success.

Enjoy the pics. There were a few funny moments throughout the night and i'll comment on them as they pop up.


ERIN (left), the party hostess with the most-ess....

I'd like to be their "goldenmember".....

Okay, so this girl comes into the bar with her "boyfriend" in tow, leash tied around his neck. Obviously they were going the "Dominatrix/ Submissive" angle. Turns out she really WAS a dominatrix. Here, she's ordering her man to lick her boot and he does so willingly. Later in the evening, while I was scurrying about picking up glasses, there they were- she's at the back of the bar, cameraphone in one hand, taking a picture of her boyfriend licking her exposed nipple. Speechless..... I think they were caught trying to have relations in the bathroom later on.

The suit was as obnoxious as the person wearing it....

The "Frat Boy" look always work at a Halloween Party. What a stretch...

Oy Vey...

I want to give props to my staff who did a bang-up job keeping their composure during the mad, mad rush of the party. It would have been very easy to get frustrated but you kept your heads and as a result, we had a good night. Thanks!


1 comment:

Diarrhea of the Mouth said...

looked like a fun party. and may i just say FIRE MARSHALL EDDIE....yummy!!!!