
Saturday, October 28, 2006


Last night was another wet and crappy night on Third Avenue as a Nor'easter blew into town and brought with it a boatload of rain and wind. That had an effect on business and didn't do much for my spirits either; I give props for those individuals who chose to brave the elements and go out anyways; Double kudos to those individuals choosing to brave the elements wearing various costumes for their respective Halloween parties. If the costumes I saw last night were any indication of what's to come for tonight, then I will be armed and ready with my crappy camera- it should be a hilarious night!

One amusing moment from last night came at around midnight when DIRTY SANCHEZ, BROOKLYN PAULIE and BLONDE CHATTERBOX surprised me with a birthday cake and got the whole bar to sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" . Of course I was thoroughly embarrassed. I was even more embarrassed when I realized that the jackasses crammed 40+ candles onto the small cake, which made me look like...at least 60! But I shouldn't complain- it was a very nice gesture.

So it's officially SWAN DAY '06. What will I do today? Hmmmmm..... Well, I've been invited to about 10 lunches, 4 dinners and out for about 100 drinks. I'm being non-committal at the moment, partly because of the weather- I'm waiting it out to see if things clear up. I'm not in the mood to go schlepping through the rain, if you know what I mean. I am also planning on catching up on a bit of sleep as I am pretty wiped. Maybe I'm finally getting old..... NAAAAH! I am due to help out a bit at the bar tonight with the HALLOWEEN BASH, then I should have some free time to go out and enjoy myself a bit.... So if there are any ladies who need help getting their cat out of a tree (and I know there are)..... You know where to find me!

Well, that's it for now; I'm going to try and do something productive today. Don't forget to dress up tonight! The costumes will be out in full force! If you aren't partying with us, then party somewhere!

Thanks again for the B-Day wishes and enjoy the day!


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