
Thursday, October 26, 2006


Apparently if you happen to come within 50 feet of this charming young lady, the chances of you getting assaulted are pretty good. Especially if she's in a bad mood. In today's NY Daily News, aging Supermodel NAOMI CAMPBELL has once again, been hauled into court for allegedly assaulting another woman. The woman in this particular case: her drug counselor. The hot-tempered supermodel has a vast history of "lashing" out and this incident is the latest chapter of headline-making bad behavior for the tall, leggy model from England. Can someone say "ANGER MANAGEMENT?" Read the full story HERE

It looked as if LADIES NIGHT finally took off last night as H.B.E. and his duo of single firefighters kept the party lively by serving up mass quantities of Appletinis garnished with Swedish Fish. Hell, if I'd known that's what it would take to bring the ladies in, I would have proposed that a long time ago! The bar was also teeming with a lot of media/advertising types, apparently out celebrating something, although what it was is still unclear. We may be on the verge of something good here.... stay tuned....

I covered the day shift yesterday and I was actually able to get some long-overdue chores done for the bar. I also had the dubious task (much to the chagrin of DIRTY SANCHEZ and NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, who stopped by to say hi) of "decorating" the bar with a Halloween motif. Basically I found myself getting tangled up in fake webbing while the two bozos laughed at me the whole time. One thing I noticed while working the day shift; A lot of kids from the local high school terrorizing some of the local merchants. There's a group of kids who for whatever reason, have chosen to harass some of the merchants by stealing candy, turning over newspapers, tossing flowers about and so-on. From what I understand, this has been going on for a few days now. Some of the merchants have chosen to call me to help them, but what can I do? I can't leave the bar unattended to go chasing after some kids. I guess they've tried calling the cops, but the response time has been less than stellar- ALLEGEDLY. Sounds like something the Community Board needs to look into ASAP. Or maybe they should call PARCO P.I....

LITE NITE THURSDAYS! ($4.00 all LIGHT beers, both bottles/drafts)


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