
Wednesday, October 25, 2006


In our never-ending quest to bring in some quality females to our fine establishment, we are once again promoting Wednesday night as LADIES NIGHT. And what do we have to offer to entice the quality females? For starters, great drink specials ($2.00 mixed well drinks for ladies, $4.00 Amstel Light, Coors Light and Blue Moon Ale for everyone). Second, we also have a couple of studly single firemen working behind the bar to provide said great drink specials and to give them (the ladies) a bit of eye candy to focus on instead of Sportscenter.

And why are we pulling out all the stops for the ladies? Why not? They deserve the attention (at least one night a week anyways); And to be quite honest, I rather be in a bar filled with quality females than a bar full of sausage any day of the week. You do the math. So ladies, tonight's your night; We roll out the welcome mat for you. Hope to see you there!

Last night I had a rare Tuesday night off and ended up getting together with my buddy NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. Now everyone who knows of him, knows him as a wild and crazy guy; Outgoing, boisterous, obnoxious, and loud. But when you get him one on one, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that he's a down to earth guy who's probably one of the nicest people you'll ever want to meet. He'll probably kill me for saying that for fear of tarnishing his reputation, but if you know me, I tell it like it is. He'll give you the shirt off his back if he knew you needed it. He's just that kind of guy. I've always know that of our little friend but allowed him to keep that side of him to himself. We ended up having drinks and a late dinner at a newly opened steakhouse called BENJAMIN'S on East 41st and Madison Avenue, just a stone's throw away from Grand Central Terminal.

Just to give you a heads up: This place is GREAT! Following the tradition of PETER LUGER'S, this place is all about steak. Great cuts, awesome apps, and the setting of this restaurant; kinda makes you feel like you're eating in one of those IVY League clubs, with the rich dark wooden paneled walls and tables. Nice place for a business dinner or an intimate evening with a mate. BONUS: After dinner, we had a drink (or 4) at the bar, and while chatting it up with the very friendly (and cute) bartender, it turns out she's a major sports buff! I want to marry her already! Her dad is a local sports radio guy (JOE BENINGO of WFAN) and she knew her stuff. Very impressive.

Overall, a nice night out.

I'll be offline all day today as I am working the day shift, so no posts until tomorrow. Hope to see the ladies tonite!



Anonymous said...


~ Hashie

Swa said...

You just need to make sure you all have bail money set aside... I got a feeling you're gonna need it!