
Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Yesterday was Errand Day for the Swanfather. I am often teased about my "errands" but truth be told, I actually do have a lot of running around to do during the day; if not for the bar, for my own personal stuff. When you work long nights, after getting some precious sleep, you only have but a few hours to do all the things that normal people take for granted.

So while I was handling my "errands" for the day, I decided to take some casual pics of the neighborhood. I spent a lot of time on 2nd Avenue and I often notice the differences between that street and 3rd Avenue. While they run parallel with each other, it is indeed entirely two different worlds. 3rd Avenue tends to be a bit more white collar, wealthier, or trendy with the nice apartments, restaurants, boutique shops and such; while 2nd Avenue is much more grittier, blue collar and lined with more project housing and low-income families. It amazes me sometimes how things change within one city block. That's one of the things that makes NYC unique I guess....

Even in its grittiness, there's beauty.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Why do your errands include hanging out in front of Kips Bay Endoscopy?

Your pal,

Mr. T.