Last night I had an opportunity go check out a hockey game with a good friend of mine, whom I hadn't seen in a couple of years. She was in town visiting from Maryland, so since I had tickets for the game (Rangers vs my favorite team, the Ottawa Senators), I figured I'd invite her along and we could catch up while watching some hockey.
First of all, let me just say right off the bat, there are a lot of Rangers' fans that I could pretty easily classify as "trash" (as in "white trash"). When you got fans that are die hard to the point where they are sporting mullets proudly and spewing profanities that would make a construction worker blush (while holding their kid in their lap, mind you), then you know that's just plain trash.
So while we're sitting there watching my Senators put on a hockey clinic on the Rangers, you could feel the tension around me getting thick. It probably didn't help that I kept stirring the pot by cheering for Ottawa every chance I got. By the end of the second period, it was obvious that there were some folks who really wanted a piece of the Swanfather. The Rangers mounted a furious comeback in the last period, but it was too little, too late- my team won. We got out of there before the lynch mob got to us (or more so, me). In any case, it was great to catch up with my friend (a former student of mine) and good to see that she's doing well.
Getting back to the bar, there was a steady crowd but nothing spectacular to note. At one point, there was a small group of "young-looking" patrons from Virginia who wanted to come in. Checking the ID's, it quickly became obvious that they weren't ready to indulge in spirits with grown folks. So when I told them to come back when they could really prove they were of age, a couple of them decide that they want to jaw me, AS IF they could intimidate me into letting them in. HA! Of course, they didn't get in and spent the next hour or so bouncing back and forth between bars, trying in vain to get in. Little bastards.
Should be another nice weekend, which also means lots of football, partying and of course, with the long weekend ahead of us (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday), there's no excuse not to hang out.
Bettman has killed the NHL. Back when I cared about the sport, they would never leave a carpet on the ice, and you were only allowed 6 players at once. This new NHL is garbage.
Your pal,
Mr. T.
bring back ogelthorpe, and the hansons
Some of us have to work on Monday.
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