It's a gloomy and wet Saturday afternoon, and while I could use this time wisely by taking a relaxing nap and/or watching some English Premiership Football, instead I'll take this time to update the blog.
I should probably start with Friday afternoon; where the bar was busier than usual, with many people getting out of work early for the long holiday weekend. Many of the usual suspects were there, debating over subjects ranging from DAVID BECKHAM's ridiculous new contract to the upcoming football playoffs. While enjoying lunch and friendly debates, it became readily apparent that someone had some issues with their intestines because they were dropping some serious bombs in the bar that caused us to open the door and a few windows in the process. I don't want to drop any names, but if you are well versed in Pig-Latin, IRTYDAY ANCHEZSAY was the main culprit. I'm thinking that this person should probably invest in a good colonic very soon.
Friday night was an interesting one in that there was a lot of hustle and bustle, both in the bar and on the Avenue. With the hustle and bustle, you are bound to see people and things through the course of the night. It all started out with a pretty busy happy hour, where TERRY FROM DERRY, the day bartender found himself swamped with an early evening hit; I helped out as much as I could until the reinforcements arrived. While we were running around handling drink orders and collecting glasses and such, we got a visit from the coaching staff of the BOSTON BRUINS; they were in town to play the NY RANGERS in a Saturday afternoon matinee. They hung out a bit before opting to go someplace to get a bite to eat. They said that they would return later (and much to my chagrin, they actually did). I think they really came back to check out BLONDE CHATTERBOX and her revealing cleavage, but who cares?
As the night went on, the bar was teeming with regulars as well as newbies, and I found myself on my toes for most of the night. Early part of the night found the girl/guy ratio very favorable (if you were a guy); all of a sudden at around midnight or so, it was like every fraternity in NYC invaded 3rd Avenue and we were swamped with wannabe Duke boys and TKE rejects. Fortunately, everyone had a good time and there were no problems (aside from the dudes with the unfortunate flatulence problem- a reoccurring theme throughout the day, unfortunately).

OPIE CUNNINGHAM, before and after
The best highlight (for me anyways) was watching our boy and barback extraordinaire OPIE CUNNINGHAM dissolve into a puddle of drunken mess. He'd been out for a night of fun with H.B.E., and not being used to the fast pace style of drinking in Manhattan, CUNNINGHAM eventually succumbed to the drink. The decent into drunken madness was a swift one too. In the process, he entertained us with "witty banter", funny faces and drunken antics (including at one point, attempting to down a shot, only to snort it instead), of which I'm sure he will be sorry for today. At least he didn't piss his pants. Bless his heart. I guess he wanted to go back to Boston College with a bang!
Overall, it was a very good night for all parties and a job well done by my staff for keeping up with the madness.
Now that the long holiday weekend has begun, here's what's on tap at THIRD AND LONG:
SATURDAY: "Kick the Keg" Saturday (12pm-8pm) with $2.00 MUGS, ALL BEERS ON TAP! Rangers vs Bruins (NHL) 2pm; Colts vs Ravens (NFL PLAYOFFS) 4:30pm, Eagles vs Saints (NFL PLAYOFFS) 8pm.
SUNDAY: FAN-tasy Football Sundays with $3.00 Coors Light Pints and $4.00 Domestic Pints (all afternoon); Bears vs Seahawks (NFL PLAYOFFS) 1pm; Patriots vs Chargers (NFL PLAYOFFS) 4:30pm;
Plus our usual great nightly specials! If you are around this weekend, make sure to stop by! We'll be glad to have ya!
Now if you'll excuse me, I must tend to my cold and catch up on my nap.
What Dirty Sanchez unleashed on the bar was beyong disgusting.
Your pal,
Mr. T.
Just remember who's a stellar tipper when you hand out the awards tomorrow...
You just remember to hit the ATM before getting there, Daddy Warbucks!
That camera work is pretty bad.
that's a phone camera for you...
You have not smelled a fart until you have smelled one of B to the...he can clear out a bar in no time. On Saturday nights he was dropping ass that even made one of the regulars leaves. I of course tried to set his crotch on fire with many books of matches but failed everytime.
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