
Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I took some time to catch up on some Sunday Times reading and came across an article in the Sunday Styles section about celebrities and what lengths they go through to steer clear of each other after a breakup. Unlike you or me, they have the luxury of having publicity bulldogs and security to help shield them from the respective ex, in case of a chance encounter. A related article talked about how New Yorkers dealt with the same problem- Utilizing creative ways on how to avoid the ex after a break-up.

It got me to thinking about my past encounters and the ultimate worries that go with a break up. Of course, the last thing you want to do is to see them; but in a city like New York, it isn't the easiest thing to do.... or is it? As creatures of habit, we often find ourselves taking the same way to work, or going to the same bars or restaurants; even buying the morning paper at the same bodega. All of a sudden, after a break-up, there's the dilemma: Do you change your routine to avoid seeing the "ex"? If so, how far do you go to avoid that person? Do you take 2nd Avenue instead of 3rd? Will you go to the bodega two blocks away instead of the one you favor, even if you don't particularly like the way they butter your bagel? Do you get on the subway at a different entrance as opposed to your regular one? Where does it all end?

And what happens if and when you do finally encounter the "ex"? Do you avoid eye contact? Do you speak to the person? Do you hide behind a mannequin or the magazine stand or do you walk directly past the person? In my experience, I've probably done a bit of each in my lifetime. What's interesting about New York City is that it's so easy to allow yourself to disappear (if you really want to); however, no matter how much you try to phase that person out of your life entirely by avoiding contact, Murphy's Law always come into play. If it's meant to happen, it will happen, no matter how much you try to plan otherwise.

In my case, Murph always seem to have it out for my ass in that it happens at the worst possible time. If I am wearing sweats and looking like I've just been released from Riker's Island, just my luck I'll run into an "ex", most likely as she's on a date with someone from the New York Jets. Shit happens. I guess you learn to roll with the punches and accept that it's a necessary evil of living in NYC.

Feel free to share your experiences, because lord knows I'm not the only one who's experienced this.

On another note, just saw the film "MUSIC and LYRICS" with HUGH GRANT/DREW BARRYMORE. Typical fluff romantic comedy; Typical HUGH GRANT, being HUGH GRANT and DREW BARRYMORE being, well, DREW BARRYMORE. Some good lines and funny moments. Ok date movie. I did notice, however, that there's something strangely sexy about DREW. Not quite sure what it is- maybe it's the slight lisp that she has when she speaks? She isn't the most sexy actress out there, but..... I dunno, I can't put my finger on it. But I wouldn't kick her out of the bed either.


nuff said


Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that Stiffy and I ever dated, or for that matter, that we broke up. I'm just saying that for the second day in a row, and 3 out of the last 5 work days I've run into him on the street.

Did I avoid eye contact, you ask? Absolutly not!

The man is a sexy beast and deserves all the props and stares that he gets. To walk a day in Stiffy's moccasains is to feel that sexy beast inside all of us.

Anonymous said...

Drew Barrymore... Let me know when you put your finger in it.

Oh, and the Fuckeyes suck ass.

B to the...

Anonymous said...

I have never had a bad break,I tend to stay friends with all my exs. It comes in handy when you are going through a dry spell sexually--lol.

Hugh Grant, way sexy. Tho I have to wonder if it is his looks that I'm attracted to for his accent. Whatever it is I shag him for sure.
