
Monday, April 28, 2008


Saturday night a few of ANGRY BLACK's closest friends got together to give him a proper sendoff as he prepares for a new chapter of his life. He recently got a new job that requires him to uproot and move to California. While it will be sad to see him go, we know that this is a good opportunity for him and who are we to hate on that. Love him or hate him, he was a unique member of the SUNDAY BREW CREW and his boisterous spirit will remain here at Third and Long.

Think he needs a shave?

Okay, I gotta stop right here for a second. During the course of the night, I'm standing outside, proofing incoming patrons when this guy came bounding up 3rd Avenue like a man on a mission. Myself and a couple of cigarette-smoking patrons looked at each other and I had to stop the guy to see what his deal was.

As it turns out, this guy said that he was on his way to a party. I asked him if he knew that Halloween had come and gone; He said yes, but he was going to a party anyway. Fair enough. However, the thing that made this whole scenario bizarre was the fact that not only was this guy rocking a Superman costume in the middle of April, the poor guy was cockeyed too. So as he's telling us his story, we couldn't quite figure out who he was looking at. I know I shouldn't point out the obvious, but damn. It kinda fucked me up for a moment. Lord, forgive me for saying this, but it was kinda funny.

The obliglatory AFRICA BAMBATTA self-portrait.

ANGRY BLACK is about to down a mandatory "Cosmo", pinkies up....well, just because.

I asked NORBIT how the Comic Book Convention was, but he wouldn't say. Hmmmm....

Overall, it was a pretty cool night. Totally laid back and no pressures whatsoever. Happy Trails, ANGRY BLACK and good luck in Cali.

On another note, I've been meeting a lot of new blog readers over the past few days; Thanks for the support and the kind words regarding the blog. I really appreciate it!

And yet still another note, thanks to a donation by our fearless leader MATT LONG, we finally got rid of our antiqudated VCR (yep, VCR) and replaced it with a DVD/VCR combo. This will finally allow us to show DVD's on the big screen TV. Believe it or not, we've had requests for viewing parties in the past but had to turn them down because we didn't have a DVD player. Now, with the DVD player, we're able to host screening parties, hold "movie nights", etc. A nice upgrade and long overdue. Again, an upgrade with you, our patrons, in mind.


MONTREAL vs PHILADELPHIA, (7pm), NHL PLAYOFFS. Dollar Draft Madness ($1.00 mugs, Bud, Coors Light, Bud Light).

Nuff Said

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