
THE POPE.... He's a comin'....

Unless you've been hiding under a rock the past few days, then you know that the city is bracing for the invasion of POPE BENEDICT XVI. His first visit to NYC in is being met with huge anticipation and the city is kicking into high gear in making sure his trip to the Big Apple is a successful and safe one.

Of course, this means that traffic will be a total nightmare; public transportation will be a clusterfuck. If you are anywhere on the East Side of Manhattan over the course of the weekend, you will truly be miserable because it seems that the Holy One will spend the majority of his visit on this side of the Island, if you take a look at his itinerary. So unless you are totally into checking out his Holiness, then my advice is to stay as far away from the East Side of Manhattan as possible during the day.

I have to admit, I'm curious to see how this weekend will turn out. They are predicting thousands will flock to 5th Avenue to catch the processional to and from St. Patrick's Cathedral. Should be a sight to behold.... but quite frankly, I'm just not that interested in being smushed in a crowd just to see one person driving by for a fleeting moment. I'll catch it on TV.

OVERHEARD AT THE BAR: These two girls were sitting at the bar and one was lamenting about how she liked this guy and couldn't figure out why he would never commit to a date. They always talk about getting together, yet when it came time to make plans, he'd find some excuse to bail. Her friend (to her credit) finally said "Look, it sounds like he's just not that into you...." (sounding a lot like that book title). The first girl gasped and looked shocked, as if something like that could never happen to her. Then she began to cry. Ouch. I give the friend credit though, for being straight up with her. Sometimes the truth can sting a bit, but at least she can recover and move on without looking like a putz, hanging on to false hopes.


Miller Lite Promo (7:30pm-9pm)

Join the Miller Lite Girls and Third and Long for a great promo during the NY Yankees/Boston Red Sox game, featuring MILLER LITE BUCKETS (5/$15.00) and great giveaways! And of course, more NHL playoff hockey!

AND FINALLY: Add MSNBC to the mix.. Click HERE (scroll down a bit).

Enjoy the beautiful day!!

Nuff Said

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