
Wednesday, May 7, 2008


That was the sounds coming out of my doctor's office this morning as she tended to my ailing leg. The same leg that I hurt while breaking up the now-infamous Sunday Brawl a few months back. Apparently I allowed it to get infected and it wasn't healing properly so now I'm paying for it now. And to make it worse, I have a doctor with the hands of stone, who clearly missed the memo on being gentle. So now I sit with a soft cast and a throbbing leg that feels like it's been branded with a hot poker. Grrrrr....

It's been a busy week for the management team at 3 & L as we juggle bar duties and other outside ventures, thus the reason for the late posts. As I mentioned yesterday, Monday night was a very good night, due to Cinco de Mayo; That being said, it seemed to have an effect on Tuesday because the whole neighborhood was quiet like a ghost town. Probably one of the slowest Tuesdays in quite awhile. No doubt the Cinco hangover loomed large in Murray Hill.

While walking through Union Square on my way to my appointment, I couldn't help but to notice all of the happy faces walking around. The weather is truly stunning today and folks seem to be reveling in it. Hopefully that will translate to a good night at the bar.

Tonight is the last night for one of our old-school bartenders, THE LIFEGUARD, after many years of good service. If you are in the neighborhood, swing by and say good-bye; A great guy, he will surely be missed.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Ladies Night ($3.00 Mixed Well Drinks for the girls), beginning at 5pm. You can also enjoy $3.00 Molson Canadian drafts and Coors Light Buckets (5/$15.00), all night long!

Before I go, one of the staff members asked me what was the STRANGEST thing I ever saw while working here. That question actually stumped me. I've been here in some capacity since 1993 and there have been some truly memorable moments. I can't answer the question at the moment because I really have to sit down and sift through all of the memories. That being said, I'd love to hear what you have to say. What would be the STRANGEST thing you ever saw/encountered while drinking at Third and Long? I'd love to read your responses as I'm sure there are some real gems out there. Simply post it in the comments section. This should be good.

ONE FINAL NOTE: I guess today is the planned, much-ballyhooed "Day of Protests" here in Manhattan. There are plans to disrupt traffic in various spots all over the city, including East 34th and Park Ave (two blocks away from here). I may go and catch some photos for the blogs, but just in case I am not around to post tomorrow- chances are I got scooped up by the cops.

TO MY BROTHER: I can't believe it's been 5 years already- where has the time gone? You are sorely missed and forever in my thoughts.

Enjoy the day and see you tonight!

Nuff Said

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