

Week TWO of BREW CREW SUNDAYS turned out to be a festive affair, even with the absence of the MIAMI DOLFANS contingent. The hardcore O.G.'s (the original BREW CREW members) made the best of the Dolphin-less bar by getting back to basics. That meant running game pools, breaking out rounds of "Gentleman's", tons of goofy pics and the unusual hook-up (or two). We even had a return visit from TURBO, who recently moved to North Carolina.

STEELER NATION tried to make their presence known in the absence of the NYC DOLFANS crew, but to be honest, their efforts were feeble at best. They simply don't roll strong like they used to I guess. It didn't help matters when they ended up losing to the Chicago Bears; they got out yelled by two Bears fans! Embarrassing indeed.

Of course, I had a wager going with T-BILL since our respective teams played each other (Cleveland vs Denver). And of course, I lost.... again. You'd think I'd learn not to bet with my heart anymore after all these years. Depending on the Browns, Indians, Cavs, or the Ohio State Buckeyes to improve my fortunes is a futile mission. Seriously. I guess he'll be looking forward to that lunch at the Spotted Pig. Why do I have a feeling this is going to hurt?

The day overall, while not as crazy as last week, was just as entertaining and busy. I can't complain about the end result. The only thing I could complain about is how sore my back is from all of the bending behind the bar. Another sign of old age I guess.

I anticipate a busy Monday night for the DOLPHINS/COLTS game. Between the DOLFANS and dollar drafts, it could be pretty hectic for the Monday Night crew. Hopefully it is a sign of a busy week ahead. Speaking of which, take your patience pills this week folks. The United Nations General Assembly takes place this week. That means traffic will be a clusterfuck all week long. So make sure you take extra time in traveling to and around Manhattan; Especially if your travels take you on the East Side. Good luck.

In the meantime, check out some pics from BREW CREW SUNDAY, Wk2.

Check out the rest of pics from the day on our FACEBOOK page!

Don't forget about MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL (featuring $1 Bud/Bud Light/Coors Light mugs OR $2 mugs, all other domestic drafts)!

Nuff Said

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah the spotted pig might set you back a little