
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


As I sit here awake, under the weather and watching the NY Islanders rookies play the Vancouver Canucks at 3am, I can't help but to notice that we're halfway through September already. Where did the time go? I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Next thing you know, it'll be Columbus Day Weekend, then Halloween, then Thanksgiving. I always seem to forget how quickly the fall season flies.

The past weekend was a pretty good one as far as the bar goes. With a plethora of college and pro football games taking center stage, the place stayed pretty busy throughout the weekend. Even the Sunday night game had a pretty decent crowd. The place usually clears out after the afternoon games, so to see groups of patrons hanging out well after midnight on a Sunday was nice to see.

I woke up on Monday feeling under the weather, as I knew would happen since I felt it coming on Sunday afternoon. In any case, by the time I finished running my errands, I had to go to bed; I felt that crappy. It pretty much wiped me out the whole day. The only reason why I'm awake watching the lowly Islanders at 3am is because I've slept half the day away, thanks to the meds. Ugh.

Today is a new day and aside from the usual DOLLAR DRAFT MADNESS that comes with Tuesday nights, CHAMPIONS LEAGUE starts its group play today. We'll be carrying a couple of matches (MANCHESTER UNITED vs BESIKTAS and AC MILAN vs OLYMPIQUE MARSEILLE). Matches start at 2:45pm and we'll carry them live, along with $4 Carlsberg bottles during all Champions League matches. Hopefully I'll feel better and can get on with the day-to-day stuff. Everyone knows how cranky I can get when I'm under the weather...

I'm just sayin'.



It looks like the Grim Reaper has reared his ugly head yet again and Hollywood seems to be his favorite target of late. We all knew about his well-publicized fight with pancreatic cancer yet it's still sad to see him go. Forever known for his roles in classic films like "GHOST" and "DIRTY DANCING", I've always liked him in another cult classic, the zen-master bouncer extraordinaire, James Dalton in "ROADHOUSE"....

Truly a class act; He will certainly be missed.

Nuff Said

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