
Monday, October 19, 2009


Yesterday's edition of BREW CREW SUNDAY was a laid-back affair as the Miami Dolphins had their bye week, which meant a quieter than usual bar. Add to the mix a shitty weather day and a lineup of crappy games and you had what turned out to be a less-than-stellar day. That being said, like they always say, when you get lemons, you make lemonade. Those who were able to brave the elements made the most of the day, and of course, we still had a good time.

T-BILL surprised us with a visit from his twin brother, A-BILL; Having the two of them and the CORNER BOYS together made for some serious case of double-vision:

The resemblance was uncanny. How often do you get to meet a set of twins in a bar, let alone two? There were definitely a lot of heads turning that's for sure.

Just another BREW CREW Sunday... check out more pics HERE

YANKEES vs ANGELS, GAME 3 today at 4pm! NOTE: Game 3 begins at 4pm! Just in time for dollar mugs ($1 Bud/Bud Light/Coors Light mugs, 4pm-close)!

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Yours truly is going all out for his big day and invites everyone to join him in making the Halloween weekend a great one! How far back can you go? How original can you get? The more original, the better with a cash prize going to the individual who comes with the coolest, most original old-school T-shirt or jersey! Looking forward to this event!

That's It! That's All I got!

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