
Thursday, March 15, 2007


Seems like this has been the week for violence in the naked city; Almost every day this week there's been some kind of assault on police officers or 100-year-old ladies. I don't know if it's just a spike in violent crimes this particular week or what, but it seems to be crazier than normal around these parts. Especially in areas that are traditionally safe.

For example, last night I found myself spending some quality time at the bar (which for a Wednesday is unusual as I am normally off on Wednesdays and like to enjoy my own "QT", if you know what I mean). It was the birthday of one of my regulars, THE GIRL WITHOUT A BLOG NAME; and I wanted to stop by to say happy birthday to her; I also had to meet up with some folks to collect some "shekels" for the MARCH MADNESS thingy; then I had the pleasure of running into a friend whom I hadn't seen in quite awhile. We ended up talking for a couple of hours- good stuff. She's someone who I admire because she's taking the leap of faith and starting up her own p.r. firm and from the sounds of things, she's doing alright with it. Good stuff.

So after all of that, I go back to my apartment in a good mood, turn on the news and what do I see? More cop-shootings. This time, in Greenwich Village, of all places. To read the full story, click HERE.

What is this world coming to? And just when you think it couldn't get any worse, now they are calling for rain/snow for St. Patrick's Day! After the 70 degree day we had today! I found myself feeling so depressed after that, I went to bed.

MARCH MADNESS BEGINS TODAY! Games begin at 12 noon; we'll carry all of the action of every game throughout the day! $3.00 Bud/Bud Light all afternoon- BRING YOUR LUNCH! And don't forget about Happy Hour- "LITE NITE THURSDAYS" ($4.00 all LIGHT beers)!

See you today- and don't forget about that protest rally this afternoon (2pm-5pm). Should be one clusterf*** of a day! (photos to follow)

nuff said

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop Plate Tectonics!