

Among the many things taking place in NYC this week, one of the biggest was the gathering of the nations for the Annual United Nations General Assembly.  Of course, while it's kind of a big deal for the rest of the world, for New Yorkers (especially on my side of town), it is the biggest pain in the ass you could ever have to deal with.

Between the blaring of sirens from the motorcades of various foreign dignitaries, to the traffic jams that last all day long,  U.N. Week is literally the week from hell.  Thank god it's almost over.  The funny (ok, not so funny) thing about the traffic tie ups during the General Assembly Week is that it seems like it's the traffic cops who are causing the problems!  I kid you not.

Add to the chaos of U.N. Week was the added traffic issues due to Yom Kippur.  If you didn't have some sort of meltdown on Tuesday trying to get home, I commend you.  It was a royal clusterf*** out there.  With all of that taking place, it definitely affected foot traffic on 3rd Avenue for a couple of days.  However, with the U.N. meetings ending, the foreign dignitaries leaving town and and Yom Kippur come and gone, things are slowly getting back to normal, just in time for the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, I'm looking forward to it as there are a lot of great sports on tap.  Starting with the Ryder Cup; Add to the mix the English Premier League, the last weekend of MLB before the playoffs, great college football games and wrapping up with the first full weekend of NFL games with the REAL referees back.  Put it this way: If you are a true sports fan, this is your kind of weekend.

So since it's almost time to blow the whistle and kick off the weekend, I bid you adieu until next week!  Until then, enjoy the weekend and if you're around the neighborhood, stop by!  Don't forget to check out website for weekend specials and happenings!


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